The Apple Crisp Smoothie At Kb&co: Is It Good?

If you like a warm apple crisp with ice cream and ever wonder what it would taste like cold in a smoothie, then you need to go to kb&co. I saw a post about it on Instagram, and my husband and I were there within 20 minutes buying it. I really like the Apple Crisp Oat Macchiato from Starbucks, so I knew I would like this. But,ย  I didn’t know I would like it this much!

The Ingredients Are What You Would Expect From Kb&co

apple crisp smoothie kb&co

They make this apple crisp smoothie with almond milk, apples, cinnamon, almond butter, vanilla macaroon granola, dates, vanilla protein powder, and coconut whip cream.

The macaroon granola goes a long way in this smoothie. It makes it taste like you are getting a bite of the oat crumble with brown sugar that goes on top of an apple crisp. Unbelievably good.

And the other thing is the apple. The girl behind the counter said that the apples are frozen. So they aren’t baked, but they taste like they are! It doesn’t taste like apple juice. It tastes like baked apple. I’m assuming that’s because of the granola mixture that helps everything taste like a uniform bite of apple crisp.

The only problem is, if you are allergic to fresh apples, like my husband is, you won’t be able to drink this. He can eat apples when they are baked, but not fresh. And after one TINY sip of this smoothie, he could feel that allergic tingle in his throat.

If you are not allergic like me, and you like apple crisp, you will like this smoothie. Hands down it is the best smoothie I’ve ever had in my life, and I’ve had many smoothies from many different places, including kb&co.

It got better with every sip and it took everything I had not to go mmm every time I had a sip in front of my husband.

Kb&co crushes everything they make. I’ve never disliked anything I’ve had there. If you had told me twenty years ago that a place that puts greens in almost everything they make was one of my favorite places to eat, I would have never believed it. But, it really is one of those places that knows how to put flavors together in a way that keeps you coming back for your greens.

That’s why I expected this apple crisp smoothie to be good, but not as good as it was. It exceeded my expectations.

You can check out their menu here. Note: The apple crisp isn’t listed on the online menu.

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