Review Of Speaking To Spirit With Agapi Stassinopoulos

Last Updated on October 9, 2024 by Kari

I initially took this course because I thought it was literally about speaking to spirits. Since my dad died, I’ve been looking for more ways to connect to spirit, develop faith, and all those good things that come with dealing with an impactful death. Butย Agapi Stassinopoulos isn’t teach you how to speak to spirits, she’s teaching you how to speak to spirit in general.

What Speaking To Spirit Is Really About (To Me)

1. Prayer

I would say, first, the course is about learning to incorporate prayer into your life and speaking to your spiritual self, God, or the Universe in a way that boosts your faith and connection.

The emphasise is on prayer.ย Agapi Stassinopoulos stresses the power of prayer for every aspect of your life.

In almost every lesson there is a prayer that she reads, and you go through it with her.

It’s really about making prayer not just a part of your life when you experience something traumatic, but as a part of your life to help ask for direction, traits, or anything else that you want to focus on or have.

For instance, if you wake up and know the day is going to be hard because you have your family coming over for dinner and you have to do a ton of work, you can prayer for strength or the ability to remove judgements or anything else that you think you will really need to get through the day.

Or, if you are trying to change something in your life, prayer can be used to help you make that change.

For instance, if you are trying to take action more, you can pray for the energy to do what you need to do and the wisdom to take the right actions at the right time.

My Experience With Prayer

I highly value prayer. Besides connecting to spirit, prayer helps me get out of my head and give up my thoughts and concerns to someone or something else.

When I can’t get unstuck from a negative thought cycle, prayer is there. I start praying for help, guidance, and some peace, and I do it over and over again until I start to feel better about things.

Prayer is one of the best tools I have to calm my mind, give up my fears and worries to something else, and stay grounded and present.

2. Personal Growth

Second, the course is about personal growth.

You work through 6 categories: living, creating, becoming, overcoming, loving, and transforming. Things like purpose, fear, perfectionism, loss, and forgiveness are all focused on in their own lessons.

Agapi Stassinopoulos gives lots of examples from her own life in each lesson, so you get to know about her and her growth in life.

Then she does a prayer to accompany the lesson. There’s only one session where she doesn’t do a prayer and in that one, she does a meditation.

Speaking To Spirit Is A Good Add To Mindvalley

The bottom line is that if you want to pray more and feel more of a connection to spirit, that’s what this course is about focused around topics related to personal growth.

It’s an interesting add to the Mindvalley Membership collection. Even though it focuses on a lot of the same personal growth topics that other courses focus on, there are some nuggets of gold in her lessons, and it’s unique in it’s own way because prayer is the focus point of the course.

Moreover, Agapi Stassinopoulos is an interesting person to listen to. She is nice and loving and has a lot of experience. She’s the kind of person you want to learn from.

The course is in the standard quest format that Mindvalley offers, which means you can take one lesson per day or take them all in one day, it’s really your choice. This is program that is meant to go day by day because there is one prayer per day, but I did a few lessons at a time most days.

There’s not much else to say about the course. If you have any questions about this course (or really any other course on Mindvalley as I’ve taken most of them), please ask.

You can read more about the course here.

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