The Mindvalley Yoga Quest: I Wouldn’t Recommend It To Most People

Last Updated on January 14, 2021 by Kari

I really wanted to take The Yoga Quest from Mindvalley. I don’t know what exactly I thought I was going to gain from it. I had been wanting to incorporate yoga into my daily life knowing the benefits of it, and the quest seemed like a good place to turn yoga into a habit. Well, I guess it did help me turn yoga into a habit, but I could have done it with an easier course.

A man doing yoga

This is not a person from The Yoga Quest, but it pretty much sums up how I felt about the teachers. They were mostly doing things that were not available to me.

I’m Not Flexible Enough To Do This Quest

I am not that flexible in certain ways. I wish I would have kept up with my gymnastics from when I was young, but I didn’t, and my body seems to have lost any flexibility it used to have.

For instance, do you know the seated forward fold? The one where you are sitting with your legs out and bend down over your legs? Well, I can’t get past a straight sitting position on my own. I need to use a belt to pull me forward, and even then, I can barely get past the sitting position.

The pitch on the sales page is that this quest will work for you no matter your lifestyle or physical condition. But I disagree.

They also say in the quest that not all poses are available to everybody and you can adapt the poses, but, honestly, I could barely do any of the poses the way they did them. And adaptions felt like I wasn’t living up to what was being done.

The Yoga Quest seemed like an advanced course in yoga, meant for people who had been practicing it and wanted to take it up a notch.

For me, it was really hard. And on the days I wasn’t feeling well, The Yoga Quest was impossible. I opted to stretch and watch the class instead of participating.

My husband also did The Yoga Quest, and he said it showed him just how out of shape he had gotten. When we first met, he was always doing yoga. He was definitely more flexible than me. And he would do poses randomly throughout the day.

In the quest, he ended up hurting his shoulder during one class, so I think he was pushing himself too hard, which is another concern with this quest.

We Did The Quest Daily

My husband would do his class before he left for work, and when I got up, I would put on my class. I didn’t actually do a couple of them because they were seriously hard and my body was not feeling good at all. On those days, I just stretched and watched the class.

We did learn a lot about yoga. Especially during the Q&As. And, I liked how chakras were talked about as I’m currently taking the Chakra quest too. It made me appreciate yoga even more.

Mostly, though, I learned that I couldn’t do most of the yoga they were doing.

There were multiple yoga teachers in this quest, and they were all really advanced. It was cool to watch how flexible and strong they were, but it was also kind of defeating not to be able to do anything remotely like them.

Actually, I should say that there was one pose I thought I wasn’t going to be able to do and I ended up pulling it off. I was shocked. My husband ended up telling me later on that day about that pose and how he was able to do it too despite thinking that he couldn’t. So, we could do some things. But when it was all said and done, I couldn’t do 85% of what they were doing.

There was one young teacher who was doing things that most people probably wouldn’t be able to do and narrating it as if everyone would be able to do it.ย  She would even add in comments like ‘If you want to make this harder, you can do…’ I was blown away by that. She was cute and meant well, but, a little clueless if she thought the average person could just do what she was doing.

We Bought Some Equipment

We already had a yoga mat, but we bought a thicker yoga mat because my knees were not liking many of the poses in this quest.

We also had some yoga blocks, but we bought a yoga strap too, which I love. Both the blocks and the strap act as an extension and help you do some of the stretches and poses with a little more grace. Not much, but a little.

The Biggest Benefit For Me From The Yoga Quest

The benefit of the quest is that you start to make it a habit to do yoga. I am now in the habit of waking up, coming downstairs, and turning on a yoga class. So, I’m going to keep it up because to make it a part of life, Robin Sharma says you need to do something 66 days and I tend to believe him.

I have recorded a few yoga classes that they have on TV daily, including Healing Yoga. It’s much more up my alley and I enjoy the information that is taught.

I Wouldn’t Recommend It For Beginners

Unless you have the Quest All Access Pass and can check out this course at your leisure (it’s included in the pass) OR you have done a lot of yoga in your life, I wouldn’t recommend buying it. I felt like a failure most days because I couldn’t do anything near what they were doing.

Update January 2021: The Quest All Access Pass is going to include Zenward soon – a library of yoga classes. This is just one more reason you might want to get the pass and join the Mindvalley Membership.

Yes, it teaches you a lot about yoga, but the yoga sessions were too hard. You can find easier yoga sessions on your TV or YouTube and slowly get yourself up to a point where you could take this quest and finish each day with a sense of accomplishment.

That was the biggest drawback of this quest for me. I felt so out of shape each time I couldn’t do what they were doing.

As with all Mindvalley programs, you can take the free Masterclass for the quest here. And, you can learn more about the quest here.

One Response

  1. Dheeraj Kumar lodha February 8, 2020

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