I Listened To Karmic Astrology By Lisa Wagner And Learned Nothing

Last Updated on January 3, 2025 by Kari

One of my more recent goals is to fully understand astrology. And let me say, Astrology is not an easy thing to understand. There are many elements and you need to be able to tie them together for accuracy and meaning. It’s not just about knowing your sun sign and what your horoscope is for the day. It’s so much more! And did you know that Lisa Wagner says that astrology and past lives are said to be tied together? I’m not skeptical of the concept of reincarnation and its connection to astrology. In fact, I’m drawn to the idea of it, which is why I listened to this book. But while I did take away a thing or two here or there, it was hard to understand how to apply it to my chart or anyone else’s.

Our Past Lives Impact Our Current Life

It’s amazing to think that our souls have a purpose and continue on a journey through different lifetimes. This book helped me understand that certain patterns or struggles in my life may stem from previous experiences.

However, trying to figure out what those lessons and patterns were for me wasn’t as easy. The examples she gave had me lost as I often couldn’t find what she was referring to in the workbook, in fact, that’s my biggest beef about this audio book.

Karmic Astrology Came With A Workbook That I Couldn’t Always Follow

There was a workbook, but half of the time I couldn’t find what part of the workbook she was referencing.

I’m not sure why it was so poorly put together, but she would talk about a chart and I would go to the workbook and not be able to find it. That was frustrating to say the least.

It would have been nice if the workbook was broken up into chapters, but it wasn’t divided logically like that. It was just one thing after another and somewhere along the line it didn’t seem to match up to what she was talking about.

What I Most Enjoyed In Karmic Astrology

I mostly liked the numerology aspect of the book. Lisa Wagner laid out how different degrees and minutes can tell us a lot depending on the numbers. I didn’t really see how that had to do with karmic astrology, and I’m having a hard time understanding how to apply it to my life, but I found the connection interesting.

I did like learning about what my sun in Capricorn meant for me. It basically meant that I need respect from people I respect, focus on perfection, and getting bogged down in what I expect of myself. I need to learn healthy limits and set them for myself. However, I don’t know how this applies to my life karmically.

There was a chapter on the karmic contract and how it revolves around Saturn, especially when it’s in the later degrees of 27, 28, or 29. I have Saturn in my 11th house at 29 degrees, and she talked about a few things that resonate with me, such as struggling with being overwhelmed at everything I should be doing in this world. However, I know that the sign I have in the 11th house, Leo, plays a part in it too, but I don’t understand how it ties together and exactly what karmic contract I carried from a previous life. I couldn’t figure out how to figure that out, which is something you should be able to do when you are being taught it.

There Was Lots Of Good Information That I Couldn’t Apply To My Chart

my birth chart

My Birth Chart

I found this book incredibly hard to understand. Not necessarily what she was saying, although sometimes.

For instance, the chapter on timing and location of lives had me lost. I’m still not even sure what she was talking about. She mentioned things about how are sun is our current incarnation and planets in the 12 house show the most recent lives. However, I have no idea what that means, and the more I listened to her talk during that lesson, the less I understood. I basically went into negative understanding.

I also found it hard to apply what she taught to my birth chart. Perhaps this is because I could never follow along with the examples she referenced in the workbook because I couldn’t find the examples in the workbook.

Or maybe I just don’t know enough about astrology yet to be able to follow along and tie things together with my own knowledge, but that’s what the book should teach you, how to go into your birth chart and figure this stuff out.

She does a good job of defining things, such as giving information about the 12 houses, or signs, or planets in relation to what she’s talk about, but I just couldn’t figure out how to use the information to fully understand it’s implication for my birth chart or life, which is what I wanted to do.

I’m Not Much More Advanced In Astrology After Reading Karmic Astrology

I’m fairly new to this. This is only my second book on astrology and I’ve only been studying it outside of the books occasionally, but I didn’t really take much out of this book where I could understand more about my birth chart, my past lives, and how they tie into this life, which is what I thought I would learn.

I can see that charts need to be read from a perspective as a whole looking at how everything ties together, but this book didn’t teach me how to do that.

I may come back to this book throughout the year as I progress with my understanding around astrology. Maybe it will make more sense to me then. But for now, Karmic Astrology didn’t do a ton for me and I have no idea what my birth chart says about my past lives.

I listened to this eBook through the Empower You app on Hay House.


  1. Lisa Wagner January 2, 2025
    • Kari January 2, 2025

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