My Zen12 Review: Will You Like This Meditation Hack?

Last Updated on December 5, 2024 by Kari

Zen12 offers 12-minute meditations that give you the benefit of a 1-hour meditation. I don’t think that anyone can argue about meditation and its benefits. Even my dad, who was very traditional, used meditation to help himself feel better when he was in pain. But, most of us don’t have hours to meditate. It would be nice if we could all live by the ocean and spend an hour meditating beside it, but most of us just don’t have the luxury. That’s why the Zen12 meditations are so appealing.

Zen12 Meditation Listening

I’ve Used Zen12 Meditations For A Long Time

I was checking through my email to see when I first bought the Zen12 meditations, and I was blown away that it was over 3 (update: now 10) years ago.

zen12 purchase email

Because Zen12 is still available and going strong, that tells me that I’m not the only one who likes it. In fact, I would assume as more and more people look for guided meditation products, Zen12 is just going to become more and more popular because it offers people a quicker way to get the benefits, as well as a few other things.

This Zen12 meditation review is on the premium option, where you get 12 different levels. They have two other options:

1. The Beginner Option – This option has 6 levels of meditations. I’m not sure who would want this one over the 12 levels of meditation. I can’t figure out a reason, besides saving a few bucks.

2. The Advanced Option – This option is for people who are experienced with meditation and want to skip the first six levels and move on to the most advanced levels in the program.

The Entire Zen12 Program Is Made Up Of 12 Levels With 4 Different Meditations In Each Level

It’s called Zen12 because, for the most part, you meditate for 12 minutes; however, it also includes 12 different levels.

I should clarify that you are not always meditating for only 12 minutes in the Zen12 meditations. You do meditate for 12 minutes from levels 1 to 7.

Then in level:

  • 8 you meditate for 14 minutes
  • 9 you meditate for 16 minutes
  • 10 you meditate for 17 minutes
  • 11 you meditate for 19 minutes
  • 12 you meditate for 20 minutes.

They suggest that you move from level 1-12 over a year period, taking one month to focus on one level.

You also get your choice of sound behind the meditation.

  • Relaxing music – Just like it sounds, you get relaxing music. I’ve found that sometimes this music can really draw you into your meditation and cause you to get really deep into relaxation.
  • Sounds of nature – This is my favorite. Each level contains a different sound from nature, and I love them all. It feels like I’m out in the mountains instead of between four walls.
  • White noise – I don’t like this one. While it just sounds like a fan that overrides other noise, when I think of white noise, I think of horror movies, and my mind focuses on what might be lingering in the shadows rather than relaxing. The only time I might use this one is if I’m in a busy place and want to drown out the noise, but I don’t usually meditate in places like that. Maybe in the airport while I wait for a flight.
  • Guided meditation – In this, you are guided into relaxation for the start of the meditation and then the rest is relaxing music until the end of the meditation. I don’t like this one either. I don’t want to hear a voice during my meditation as I find it distracting. However, some people may like it because it helps you visualize something and give you something to focus on, which can further help you get into a meditative state.

Note: Each level contains different sounds and music so you are not listening to the same stuff all the time.

You also get a quick-start guide, which tells you how to get started quickly. And, you get a manual, which explains everything about Zen12, how to use it, and why it works.

And, you get some bonuses.

Zen12 bonus gifts

Hypnosis Live and Subliminal Guru are two other products from the creators of Zen12. I use them both. Hypnosis Live helped me get through a very dark period in my life by helping me see things differently, and Subliminal Guru gives you little subliminal messages or affirmations to help you reprogram your mind to achieve what you want to achieve. I’ll write full reviews on them at a later time.

Lastly, there is a 1-hour training call, which covers everything about Zen12, the creator, the issues with meditation, how meditation benefits you, and then they have a Q&A session with the people on the call.

How Do The Zen12 Meditations Work?

They work by using special tones that influence your brainwave patterns. You will hear these tones in your meditations. They are like little drums.ย This helps you get into a meditative state quickly.

In other words, instead of spending 10, 20, or 30 minutes trying to get into a meditative state, the tones help you get into that state much quicker.

Every few levels, you are taken into a slightly deeper state of relaxation. For instance, in level 1, you are taken into a 10 Hz alpha state. By level 12, you are taken into a 7 Hz theta state.

When I took the Silva Life System, I learned how the mind works when it comes to brainwave states. Basically, you have four main states of mind – beta, alpha, theta, and delta. You want to be in an alpha state or lower when you are meditating, and that’s what brainwave technology does. It helps you move from a beta state, where your mind is engaged and alert, into another state where you can relax and get out of the constant chatter.

They say you don’t need to use headphones for the Zen12 meditations, but from everything I’ve read about brainwave technology over the years, I would recommend it because brainwave sounds are tiny little pulses that influence your brainwave state and you want to be able to hear those sounds.

How To Use The Zen12 Meditations

Download all 4 meditations for the current level you are at. Then, once you pick your favorite meditation and get your headphones on, just sit back and listen. No need to worry about time and getting lost in your meditation, because you know how long the meditation will be.

How to find 12 minutes To Meditate With The Zen12 Meditations

There are no more excuses with Zen12 meditations. You may not have been able to find time for meditation before, but you won’t be able to say that anymore.

How can you dedicate 12 minutes to meditation each day?

  • Wake up 12 minutes earlier.
  • Go to bed 12 minutes later.
  • Dedicate 12 minutes of YouTube, Social Media, or TV time to Zen12.
  • Bring your Zen12 meditation with you when you go out, and when you find yourself waiting (and we all do) listen to your meditation.

And when you get to the 7th level and on, you can simply add a few minutes onto your meditation session. Trust me, by that time, you will have no problem doing it.

Will Zen12’s Short Meditations Solve The Problem Of Falling Asleep During Meditation?

No. If you are like me, and you easily fall asleep during meditation, I highly suggest you sit up for these, or else you may do a 12-minute meditation but end up taking a 30-minute nap!

I tried doing my meditation first thing in the morning, and I would just fall back asleep.

I tried doing it at night, and I fell asleep quickly, but I never actually felt like I was meditating.

So, I found that doing at the end of my morning routine – after I focus on my body with some exercise and mind with some learning – was the perfect time for me.

Don’t Listen To These While Doing Something Active

Driving, operating machinery, or cutting someone’s hair – these are not good times to listen to your Zen12 meditations. These meditations are relaxing, and I can foresee something going really wrong if you do. Instead, find a time when you can sit back, relax, and take a 12-minute break.

One Thing I Find Annoying Inside The Zen12 Meditations

The only real con or critique I have of Zen12 is that at the beginning of each meditation, Karl, one of the creators, comes on and says, “Hello, and welcome to level (whatever level you are on) of the Zen12 meditation program.” He does this at about the 20-second mark. I’m not sure why. It can be jarring sometimes, and it’s just not necessary.

The Biggest Benefit: Zen12 Gets You Into The Habit Of Meditation

If you’ve been trying to develop a meditation habit, then Zen12 is for you. It helps you meditate in 12 minutes, which is doable for anyone. That means you can easily stick to a daily meditation schedule and make meditation a part of your daily routine.

Once it becomes a part of your routine, and you experience the benefits of it, you will likely find yourself doing longer stretches of meditation. I found it becomes something you crave, like a good nap on a Sunday afternoon. It becomes one of those things you look forward to and can’t live without. So, if that’s what you want, Zen12 can definitely help you get there.

Other Benefits Of Zen12

  • 12-minute meditations to start and then add a few minutes on for the last few levels.
  • 12 different levels to choose from.
  • Start at whatever level you want.
  • 4 different styles of sounds to choose from in each level.
  • Easily download all files to your computer, tablet, or phone for quick listening.
  • Get access to your Zen12 member’s area forever as far as I know (I’ve had access since late 2014).
  • Can listen as many times as you want per day or just once to say that you allowed yourself to meditate.
  • They have a support system that is very responsive and helpful.

Are The Zen12 Meditations Worth Buying?

I think so. Especially if you are wanting to make meditation a habit, but you are having a hard time doing so.

At the start, a Zen12 meditation only requires 12 minutes out of your day (you can always meditate more if you want to), and that helps you easily squeeze it in as a new doable habit. Eventually, it just becomes a part of your life and you can progress to more than 12 minutes a day if you feel like. And, chances are you will.

In Zen12, you get 12 levels of meditations with 4 different types of meditation in each level. At least one of those types of meditation will suit your likes and needs.

It also includes brainwave entertainment, which helps you get into a state of mind conducive to relaxation and meditation.

Learn more about the meditation program here.

You can also get one free audio to try it out.

If you have any questions about Zen12, please ask in the comments below.


  1. Shanti August 4, 2019
    • Kari August 5, 2019

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