President’s Choice Plant-Based Cheddar Corn Puffs

A few weeks ago, my mom put out cheese puffs when we went over for a visit. She knows we are vegan and is normally very good at buying vegan, but for some reason, she forgot that we couldn’t eat those. My dad has always loved those cheddar corn puffs. I used to be a fan of Hawkins’s cheezies. But, before going vegan, I liked the puffs and would eat them when they were around.

There’s no vegan version of Hawkin’s cheezies, yet. But I’ve bought a few different vegan cheddar puffs over the years.

I’ve had the Earth Balance puffs and the Go-Go Quinoa puffs and Hippeas. The Hippeas product was my favorite, but not something I order too much because it’s not my first choice for snacks and I have to order them from Vegan Supplyย because we don’t have them near us, so I wait until I have a big order with them to make the cost of shipping seem somewhat bearable.

Then, the other day I was ordering from my Superstore and saw that they now have Plant-Based Cheddar Puffs. They just happened to pop up when I typed in ‘vegan’ in the search bar as I was ordering groceries online.

plant-based cheddar puffs superstore screenshot

Note: When taking this screenshot, I noticed that they now have vegan sour cream too! What?! I’ll be trying that out soon. I had to cut out my cashew sour cream for a while because of Viome’s results, so I’m wondering what President’s Choice puts in theirs. They didn’t put the ingredients up, so I need to go in to figure it out. So frustrating.

I have to say, after trying some of their other plant-based products, I had really high hopes for these plant-based cheddar puffs and, at the same time, was ready to be disappointed. It’s a skill you learn when you go vegan and try out new things that are sometimes a hit, but often a miss.

Fortunately, they are good! So good that I took a picture of the bag and forgot to take a picture of what they look like because I ate them all. But the picture on the bag is pretty accurate.

President's Choice Plant-Based Cheddar Puffs

The taste is spot on, but more than that, the texture is spot on for what I remember cheese puffs being like. That’s something I haven’t experienced with other vegan puffs. They have all been a little harder and not so airy.

Here’s a shot of the ingredients and nutrition information.

Plant-based cheddar puffs ingredients

I’ve found that President’s Choice is pretty good with their understanding of what vegan means. They don’t label something plant-based unless it actually is. Still, it’s always important to read the ingredients to be sure.

While I was looking at Independent Grocer to see if they had the plant-based sour cream, I noticed another product from a company called ‘Seeds of Change’ and it says plant-based but then has milk in the ingredients.

In any case, the President Choice Cheese Puffs are bang on. Worth buying if you like cheese puffs or miss cheezies. They are so close to cheese puffs, you will be reading the ingredients over and over just to make sure they are vegan. ๐Ÿ˜‰

And, when scrolling through the President’s Choice website, I saw a page for vegan puffs cheddar jalapeno! No picture, but definitely the description. I’m assuming it is coming to us soon.

Please be coming to us soon!

Update Same Day: I went out after writing this and found the Jalapeno Cheddar Puffs at my local No Frills. They taste exactly the same as the regular cheese puffs. They need to add way more jalapeno to them to make them taste like they have jalapeno. But they are still good!


  1. Kirsten May 7, 2021
    • Kari May 7, 2021

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