The Longevity Blueprint Reviewed: What Could This Quest Do For You?

Last Updated on June 3, 2024 by Kari

Ben Greenfield is a really interesting guy who knows a ton about exercise and how it impacts both beauty and longevity. He also knows how to keep the body strong and healthy with healthy habits. And he teaches what he knows really well. After taking this quest, I can say that The Longevity Blueprint is an amazing quest that gives you a new appreciation for your body and health, as well as a workout routine for life. It’s the best course I’ve taken for my physical health, hands down. And, it’s given me a workout schedule I can work with for the rest of my life. Here’s my Longevity Blueprint review.

The longevity blueprint quest by Ben Greenfield screenshot of completion

Why I Took The Longevity Blueprint

I didn’t go in thinking I would come out with a workout schedule. I wanted to take The Longevity Blueprint because July was my month in my Lifebook rotation where I focused on my physical self, and each month I plan to do new courses as part of the Mindvalley Membership, so The Longevity Blueprint just fit in with what I wanted as The Longevity Blueprint is the most physical quest offered from Mindvalley.

I didn’t really like the look of Ben Greenfield going into this quest (he reminded me of Stifler – arrogant and over-confident). And I didn’t have any big expectations for the quest. But coming out of it, I can say he’s awesome and The Longevity Blueprint is one of the most applicable-to-life-right-now courses I’ve taken from anywhere, not just Mindvalley.

In other words, the stuff Ben Greenfield teaches impacts your awareness, daily schedule, and workout schedule immediately and in a big way.

Ben Greenfield Is Extremely Knowledgeable

Sometimes you take a course and the teacher seems to be pulling their information out of thin air. Not so with Ben Greenfield.

He’s kind of like a passionate fitness nerd. He’s done an extensive amount of research to become an expert. He’s got a sense of humor. He’s very articulate. He loves exercising and he has tried and tested all the different concepts out there to see what works and what doesn’t work.

In my opinion, he was born to teach about fitness and health.

This guy has so much knowledge around being healthy, as well as exercise and how it impacts the body, that you can’t help but respect him and want to learn from him. He has a website where you can listen to podcasts or read articles. I highly recommend following him there.

You End Up With A Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, And Monthly Routine

The Longevity Blueprint is an 8-week course. The first week is focused on learning about aspects of health and exercise that will serve as a foundation for why you are doing what you do.

Then the rest of the weeks are dedicated to learning what habits and exercises you will include in your daily, weekly, and monthly routine.

At the end of the quest, you know exactly what you should do every day during the month. It’s all laid out for you by Ben. And, you can personalize it to fit your own life.

You Come Out Of The Quest With An Insane Appreciation For Your Body

The Longevity Quest is not just about exercise. It’s about keeping your body healthy and strong so that it can last a long time in a healthy state.

The awareness you gain during this quest is going to motivate you to do more good things for your body. I constantly find myself thinking about my health and how what I am doing is impacting it.

Ben’s desire to be healthy is contagious, for sure. So, if you want to improve your health, then The Longevity Blueprint is not just going to give you the tools to do that, it’s going to give you the awareness and motivation to keep improving your health in as many ways as you can.

There Are A Lot Of Implementation Days

As I said, for most weeks you are only learning a few things and the rest of the week is devoted to practicing those things on days that the quest calls implementation days.

If you take this course without the Quest All Access Pass, then you will only get one day open up to you at a time. That’s how Mindvalley quests work. Your first time through, you only get access to one day at a time. So, that means you will have to wait another 5 days until you can learn the next exercise or habit you will be adding into your routine.

The Quest All Access Pass allows you to jump into any Mindvalley course or quest and do as many days as you want at once.

I couldn’t wait. About 3/4 of the way through the quest, I realized that The Longevity Blueprint was, without a doubt, going to be my workout blueprint going forward, so I wanted to know what my workout schedule was going to look like as quickly as possible. That’s why I sat down on a Saturday and went through the remainder of the days in one day.

The implementation days are good, though. I did them for 3/4 of the program. They give you time to make what Ben Greenfield teaches a habit as well as reflect on why it’s important to you.

Update November 2019: The Longevity Blueprint has been updated since I wrote this review, and the big change is that those implementation days – where there was no class or content – are gone. Now, it looks like almost every day of the 49 days has content. The only exception is that almost every seventh day is titled ‘review day’. There does seem to be demonstration and explanation videos on those days with Mindvalley tribe facilitators, though. Honestly, I haven’t taken the quest again yet to see what’s updated and how it structured differently, but on a skim, I can see that everything talked about in the quest when I took it is still there, it’s just spread out.

You Will End Up Buying Stuff

Ben recommends a few things to help you on your journey, like a foam roller and a kettlebell. The thing is that he is so good at explaining how these tools benefit you that you come out of the class wanting to buy this stuff as you know how beneficial it will be.

For instance, I ended up buying a blood sugar tester simply because Ben was talking about how it can be beneficial.

On top of some equipment, Ben recommends things like massage and going to a sauna, so if you want to follow the program fully, those things will cost you too.

As far as for the exercise, everything is pretty much done with bodyweight, minus the kettlebell, a foam roller, and some weights. You could join a gym that has a sauna and all the equipment you need. I saw one lucky person in the Facebook tribe say that she came across a gym that had everything recommended in the quest.

You don’t have to get everything to make The Longevity Blueprint work for you, but just know that he will recommend a few things and you will likely want to pick at least a couple of those things up.

Things Won’t Be As Easy As They Look

I know it’s going to take me a while to get good at some of the things in The Longevity Blueprint.

For instance, Ben Greenfield makes foam rolling look like a piece of cake. When I tried it for myself the first time, it was one of the hardest things I did in the quest. It hurt, it was awkward, I wasn’t able to move anywhere as gracefully as Ben was, and I was out of breath from trying to move my body around over this foam roller. It was ridiculous and I’m glad no one was watching me. After it was over, my body felt really good, but while I was doing it, I was questioning whether or not it was for me. I’m getting a little better, but it’s still a struggle for me.

Ben’s been doing this stuff for a long time, so don’t expect to find what he’s doing easy.

He suggests changing the exercises if you have to. For instance, if you can’t do a full push-up then google ‘push-up alternatives’ to find something that works for you.

The Longevity Blueprint Can Help You Become Healthier For The Rest Of Your Life

Ben Greenfield takes you by the hand and shows you exactly what you need to do for longevity and beauty. That’s the bottom line.

You slowly add in exercise after exercise and the healthy habits until you have a full schedule of workouts and habits that benefit your longevity and beauty.

He shows you how to do each exercise in detail through the videos in the quest.

If you are a newbie or have not been working out for a while, you will love this quest.

It will probably feel awkward and even hard at first to do what Ben talks about, but the payoff is feeling really good once you finish doing your daily exercises and habits. Really, really good. Even that foam roller, that hurts like hell when doing it, makes your body feel amazing when you are done.

If you want to develop a routine for good health that you can use for the rest of your life, I highly recommend The Longevity Blueprint.

People of all ages are taking this program. In fact, I’ve noticed that there are a lot more older people in than this quest than there are in other quests. Maybe it’s because as you age you realize the value of good exercises and habits, and a blueprint from a knowledgeable guy like Ben is exactly what can help you do it? I’m not sure. Regardless of the reason, people of all ages are turning to Ben for their fitness guidance and questions.

In addition, if you want to live a long time in good health, then The Longevity Blueprint is for you. We all know people who have lived a long time with poor health, and it wasn’t fun for them or the people around them. Ben Greenfield’s focus is on living a long time with a strong, healthy body that allows you to enjoy each day with energy and vigor for as long as you can.

This truly was an awesome quest. I look at my body completely differently. When it comes to exercise and various health habits, I now view them as very important and enjoyable.

If being and feeling healthy is important to you, I know you find this quest valuable.

Take the masterclass with Ben and Vishen. In it, you will see how intense Ben Greenfield is and how serious he is about keeping your body healthy as well as how knowledgeable he is. Or, check out the enrolment page to earn more about how the quest is formatted.

Please feel free to ask me questions in the comments below.


  1. Sohail September 30, 2019
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    • Kari October 7, 2019
  3. sunny rachwani December 3, 2019
    • Kari December 4, 2019
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  5. Penny May 21, 2020
    • Kari May 21, 2020
  6. Christie July 12, 2020
    • Kari July 13, 2020
      • Christie July 15, 2020
        • Kari July 15, 2020

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