The Power Of Boldness Review: Naveen Jain’s Mindvalley Quest

The Power of Boldness by Naveen Jain is a new quest on Mindvalley. There were not a lot of active students in it, but it was an interesting quest to go through. It’s all about moonshot ideas. A moonshot idea is an idea that is radical and tackles a major issue in the world. So, if you have a desire to create something that tackles a major issue in the world, The Power of Boldness will interest you. Here’s my review of The Power of Boldness.

The Power Of Boldness Can Help You Refine Your Thoughts To Think Bigger

I wasn’t thinking big going into this course. I just wanted to come up with something that would help people.

I found that The Power of Boldness helps you do things like:

  • Let go of a scarcity mindset.
  • Start to believe that the possibilities of what you can achieve are endless.
  • Feel that abundance is a real thing for anyone who wants it.
  • Understand that situations are not permanent.
  • Let go of jealousy and envious feelings towards others.
  • Think bigger and bolder.
  • Ask questions that help you find solutions to problems you are having.
  • Become more intellectually curious.
  • Value ideas that may sound crazy to other people.

Naveen Jain thinks big – really big. So, if you have a longing to change the world, then Naveen Jain can help you think big and fine-tune what your vision is.

The tribe had people with all kinds of moonshot ideas like:

  • Stopping inflammation in humans.
  • Stopping addictions.
  • Reducing waste in the world.
  • Ending conflict.
  • Eliminating anxiety.
  • Solving climate change.
  • Personalizing education.
  • Eradicating poverty.

And so many more awesome things that need to be done in the world.

Some people had an idea of how they wanted to do these big things. Some didn’t. But Naveen Jain teaches how to ask questions and think bigger so that you can move towards solutions that help you achieve your moonshot idea.

My Moonshot Idea

Naveen Jain talks about finding a current world issue that you are obsessed with.

As I said, I didn’t come into the course with a big moonshot idea. At most, I wanted to create something that helped people in some way, which is very vague.

Now, I have a clearer vision of what I would like to achieve.

I want to help people reduce stress, worry, and anxiety without drugs.

I still have no idea how to do that, but it is a focus in my mind now. It’s what I have always strived to do with my writing, but I can see that there might be something bigger that can help people. I’ve learned that stress, worry, and anxiety are the symptom of a problem and there’s a root cause out there that I could tackle… I just have no idea what it is.

There’s Hope And Inspiration In The Course, But That Came With Some Questions For Me

I found that The Power of Boldness was a nice course to help you feel more hopeful and inspired for what is possible.

I got unstuck from some limiting beliefs that the world is going to shit, and I feel like all problems are solvable in this world. We can make the world a better place through people who have moonshot ideas and bring them to fruition.

In fact, I now know that there are people out there who are working on one of my biggest concerns – how the agricultural industry is impacting our environment.

The concern I can’t get past is how everyday people will react to being a part of the solution.

For instance, if there is an option to do something that impacts the world negatively, then will people take it over the option that impacts the world positively?

From what I’ve seen, the answer would be yes. Many people are more willing to take the easy way out and do things traditionally and do things selfishly than they are to take advantage of a new product that impacts the world or others positively.

Maybe that’s my real obsession and moonshot idea – getting people to do the right thing.

In any case, I was left with a lot of thinking after this course.

The Power Of Boldness Is About The Idea And Getting Ready To Put It Out There

The course helps you think more about what is possible. If you already have a moonshot idea, you will be inspired to create a business around it. You learn how to dig into the issue and move towards a solution that you want to put out into the world.

The course is not about making your business successful in a technical way, though. If you already know what you want to do to change the world and you are obsessed with that idea, then this course is not going to help you develop a complete strategy to put it out there.

You will think about how to go forward leading a team and putting together a team, but the course doesn’t outline a strategy to do it.

In short, you will leave the course thinking about your moonshot idea, talking about it, and interacting with other people to help refine your idea and come closer to a solution if you don’t already have one.

I Think There’s A Lot To Gain From Interacting With People With Moonshot Ideas

I enjoyed the community with this Mindvalley quest. There are some people in there who have done or are going to do amazing things.

One of the things I came away with is some thoughts about my health and why my body is doing certain things. Isn’t the goal of my body to keep me alive and healthy? So why would it do things that make me sick? This is a question I started pondering after another person in The Power of Boldness tribe talked about her cancer and how she viewed her tumors and interacted with them to make one disappear and one shrink. It was fascinating and I can’t stop thinking about it.

It’s A Good Course For Bigger Thinking

To me, it’s a course that helps you think bigger. That’s how I would sum it up.

I didn’t see anyone come out of this course with a business that’s ready to go and execute. The Power of Boldness simply helps you think bigger and bolder so that you can get to that state.

Naveen Jain is inspirational. He not only thinks big, but he also executes on his moonshot ideas over and over again.

I’m mostly interested in his company called Viome. It’s a company that analyzes your blood and stool and comes up with food and supplement recommendations based on your unique body. I love the idea of personalizing your diet and supplements to what’s going on in your body.

I desperately want to try it out, but the product I want is not available in my location. I’m in Canada. That’s such a bummer.

In any case, The Power of Boldness is a good one for thinking bigger. I don’t know if I would pay $299 for it. It does help you think bigger and expand your mindset around what’s possible, but I feel like $299 is too much for the course. That’s the current price on the sales page.

I took it because I have the Mindvalley Membership. I think it’s one of the courses worth taking if you have the pass.

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