What You Need To Know About Unlimited Abundance On Mindvalley

Last Updated on October 14, 2024 by Kari

Unlimited Abundance is the missing mandatory course in school. In my opinion, it’s a course that can help you achieve financial abundance and abundance in any area of your life. It can help you be happier and more fulfilled. I guess you can say that I liked the course! While Christie Marie Sheldon is an intuitive energy healer, she is also someone who understands what is holding people back from living the life they want to live and having what they want to have. This is my Unlimited Abundance review, including what I think about the program, what I experienced, and whether or not I think you should take it.

3 Things Unlimited Abundance Does Very Well

Christie Marie Sheldon Unlimited Abundance

The Unlimited Abundance course is a taped version of a coaching call she did with a group of people. She says that during the call she worked with the participant’s energetic frequency by getting into their minds and removing 24 barriers that she calls ‘abundance blocks’. That may sound a little far-fetched for some people, so here’s how I would explain what she did in the program.

1. Removes Limiting Beliefs

First, the abundance blocks that she talks about in Unlimited Abundance are just limiting beliefs. I think ‘abundance blocks’ is a good term for it though, because they ‘block’ you from the ‘abundance’ that you want.

Limiting beliefs are those beliefs that hold you back from doing what you need and want to do. They cause you to be scared and unsure and hesitant in life. They can stop you from making any kind of positive change.

For instance, one of my limiting beliefs was that you need to work your ass off to make money. This belief was limiting because I believed that the only way to make really good money was to work 7 days a week and 12 hours a day. I think my mom is the one who instilled that limiting belief in me. She worked hard and long hours, and she would always say things like ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees! You have to work for it!’ when I was young. That belief blocked me from financial abundance. I didn’t want to work around the clock, and since I believed that working a regular schedule wasn’t going to earn me much money, I opted to not work hard at all because I had an all or nothing attitude. Of course, because I barely did anything, I barely made anything. It wasn’t until I realized that you can make a lot of money with focused and productive work that I started to make really good money and still have a lot of time outside of my working life.

Unlimited Abundance takes you through all the areas of your life and helps you tackle limiting beliefs that are holding you back from doing what you need to do to get what you need or want. Each session is based on something you will relate to, and you will find limiting beliefs (abundance blocks) in many areas of your life, including:

  • Personal growth
  • Success
  • Values
  • Change
  • Family
  • Self-worth
  • Finances

You may not think that you have a lot of limiting beliefs holding you back from the abundance you want, but once you get into a session with Christie Marie Sheldon and her style of teaching, you will be amazed at what turns up in your awareness.

2. Improves Your Energy

Energy is what Christie Marie Sheldon works with, and right from the beginning, she tells you that YOU are going to be working with your energy throughout Unlimited Abundance.

She talks a lot about energy. She talks about getting you in the flow where everything flows to you easily. She also gives you some tools to help you clear out your stale energy and get things flowing. So, you need to be down with the idea of how energy plays a part in your life and your abundance.

The way I see it, your energy is important to getting the life you want, and it is dependent upon your thoughts and feelings. When you feel fearful, upset, or worried, your energy is stuck and low and you are unable to do what you need to do to attract the life you want.

You probably already know that. When you feel like crap, you don’t want to do anything and you don’t care if you have unlimited abundance or not because things just don’t matter. But when you feel good, and have a high amount of energy, you care more, you want more, you do more, you ARE more. That’s what the course allows you to do – get into a better state of thinking and feeling so you start to give a crap about your life.

3. Gets You Out Of Your Head And Helps You Take Action

You are unable to see the opportunities out there when you are stuck in low energetic vibrations because in a negative state you are stuck in your head focused on your thoughts.

For example, if you are worried about paying the bills, then you are NOT focused on how you can move forward to find the money for the bills. Instead, you are focused on your lack of money, which just attracts more lack of money to you.

If you believe in the Law of Attraction, you will see the benefit of how Christie works to raise your vibration through her energetic healing, through the sessions, and through the practices that she gives you to do for the week. But, even if you are not a believer in the Law of Attraction, you will feel a positive difference in yourself. You will feel lighter, happier, and have the energy to do what you need to do to attract more abundance.

Some Things To Note About Unlimited Abundance

  • The course is done by Christie Marie Sheldon, but it’s brought to you through Mindvalley. This company is awesome. I’ve taken quite a few of the Mindvalley courses and I haven’t been disappointed yet. If you haven’t heard of them, I advise you to go check them out. Founded by Vishen Lakhiani, Mindvalley focuses on teaching people how to live happier and healthier lives – and they succeed at doing it. Every course I’ve taken from Mindvalley has been beneficial in some way.
  • The course is audio-only. Unlike many other courses on Mindvalley, Unlimited Abundance has no videos included. Recently someone mentioned to me that the audio was distracting to her. It consists of Christie talking, reading people’s answers, typing, and other noises, and I can see why that could get distracting. Maybe one day they will redo Unlimited Abundance with video, but until then, audio is all you get.
  • Get yourself a notebook. You will want and need to write some stuff down, and a notebook is the most personal and meaningful way to do it.
  • Not everyone has noted feeling a difference right from the start. Some people take a little longer to feel better in their energy, develop different beliefs, and get out of their heads. That’s the nature of the game. We are all different and move at different speeds. Your job is to just show up to the course, try your best, and move at your own pace. Just because some people are having breakthroughs quickly doesn’t mean you are not moving towards abundance. It could just mean that you have much more ‘junk’ in your life that is holding you back from moving forward quickly. In short, change can happen quickly, but you need to lay the foundation and the groundwork first.
  • Christie says that if you fully participate, you will find yourself to be different, and it may happen tomorrow, next week, or next month. Whatever needs to happen for you will happen if you let it come when it needs to.
  • There is an discussion group for Unlimited Abundance, just like for all the programs on Mindvalley. But looking at it today, there’s no a lot of activity on it. She does have a group on Facebook that’s for students of Unlimited Abundance and more, and she’s pretty active on it, just like she was on the old Facebook group from Mindvalley, which has since closed. But following are a couple of screenshots from that group that are uplifting.

Unlimited Abundance Miracle Alert

What I’ve Experienced From Unlimited Abundance

I felt great from the first session. Very quickly:

  • I understood what she was doing and how it was going to impact me.
  • I had insights that helped me get rid of limiting beliefs and improve my thoughts.
  • I felt better energetically.
  • I felt more connected to the world and everyone around me.
  • I got out of my head more and started taking more action, which led to a lot of changes in my life including more money, better relationships, and more happiness.

Financially, my life is completely different. I am a freelance writer and blogger. I used to have a lot of limiting beliefs that held me back from having the kind of success I wanted to have. Once I realized that I deserved to make money and that it was totally possible to do so, I increased my income instantly. Ever since I took Unlimited Abundance, I’ve increased my income monthly, and I have no plans to stop as I truly believe that the sky is the limit for income in my chosen profession. I believe in financial abundance.

I learned a lot about who I am and what I really want out of life from Christie Marie Sheldon and her style of teaching.

I also learned that playfulness in life is important because it helps you get into a high vibration. I now use play every day in my work and in my relationships to keep myself feeling positive and attracting the things I want most to me. This may not seem like a big thing to you now, but I find that being playful makes life much more fun. It reminds me of being a kid when life felt easier/happier and not so serious. So, it’s an important thing that I took away from the course.

And, I learned how to listen to my intuition better through some energetic tools that Christie Marie Sheldon taught in Unlimited Abundance. I kick myself now when I don’t listen to my intuition because I find that things don’t work out the way I want them to. BUT, when I do listen to my intuition, I do things that make a difference in my life and help move me toward more of what I want.

Update February 2018

I’m taking Unlimited Abundance again, and it has been updated since I last took it.

In the first section, titled ‘Getting Started & User Flow’, you can click out to an ‘abundance diagnostic tool’. This leads you to a questionnaire where you answer a question with the most appropriate answer offered to you, and then at the end, you discover the area where you have the most abundance blocks!

For me, it was Feeling Stuck.

After you click on ‘Continue’, you go to another questionnaire where you figure out which sections you should start clearing first. (Make sure you write these down or remember them because – as far as I can tell – they aren’t marked for you somewhere to see.)

This gives you an opportunity to start clearing out the limiting beliefs that are holding you back the most.

In other words, before I do the other sections, I would skip to the section on ‘Clearing Abundance Blocks That Make You Feel Stuck’ and then take the modules in the order I most need to take them according to the results of the questionnaire.

Update March 2022 – They’ve Updated Unlimited Abundance On Mindvalley

Today I got an email saying that Unlimited Abundance has been updated into quest format. About time! Mindvalley does all of those courses in a quest format, and have so for years, so I’m surprised they are just getting Unlimited Abundance to follow suit.

They have 24 days’ worth of lessons, that look like this.

Unlimited Abundance

And then you get some bonus meditations from Love or Above, plus something about cleaning past beliefs and fundamental blocks. I haven’t gone through it yet, so I don’t know what that’s for.

There are still no videos with Christie Marie Sheldon in Unlimited Abundance. All the recordings are still just audio. But, you do get access to the discussion tab right from your lesson.

You just click on the ‘discussion’ tab and you can see all the comments and questions from that day in the quest.

Unlimited Abundance DIscussion

The Way To Succeed With Unlimited Abundance

In the Facebook tribe for Unlimited Abundance (note: there used to be a Facebook tribe, now it’s done on Mindvalley), there is a lot of interaction from Christie Marie Sheldon’s team. Following are some tips from them that will really help you make the most of the program.

If you are just getting started, here are some suggestions to get you off to a great start with the course and a fabulous finish.
1. Listen to each audio every day for seven consecutive days.
2. Listen to the audio sitting up in a comfortable chair without multi-tasking.
3. Turn off your phone, TV and any other appliances that may interrupt you.
4. Close the door and let your family know you will be back in an hour.
5. Close your eyes, relax and listen to the audio.
6. Follow the instructions. Nod your head and say yes when Christie asks you to clear and release the energy.
7. Repeat the Clearing and WWIT Statements with Christie as she says them.
8. Write down any thoughts of awareness that come up during each session.
9. After the session, write down the Clearing and WWIT Statements.
10. We encourage you to say these Statements 30-40 times a day – at least 3 times a day. (It’s easy once you get started! You can say them silently in your head or out loud.)
11. Keep a journal. Write down daily what you accomplished and any shifts in your energy and your life.
12. At the end of the week, do a Week in Review. Read your journal and see if there is anything you need to revise or tweak for the next week.

Should You Take Unlimited Abundance?

I loved Unlimited Abundance.

If you are thinking about taking Unlimited Abundance, then you probably should. I really believe that we are called to do the things that we need the most.

If Unlimited Abundance and Christie Marie Sheldon has come into your awareness in one way or another, it could be an opportunity that you need to grab hold of to stop struggling and experience positive growth in your life.

She’s worked with over ten thousand people, according to her.  The course works and people are drawn to it because it works. If they weren’t, this course would have been shut down a long time ago with negative reviews and negative chatter about Unlimited Abundance and what Christie Marie Sheldon does. But all I’ve heard for years is positive things.

The bottom line is that this course can help you understand the power you have over your life and give you that power. It can help you remove those negative beliefs that are holding you back from getting what you want. It can help you see that your perception of money, people, and life in general, is not always as fixed as you think it is. And, you will learn how to attract abundance into your life.

If you are interested in Unlimited Abundance, but not totally sure, check out the masterclass for the program here. It’s a 60-minute class where you will learn more from Christie Marie Sheldon and experience some of the benefits yourself. You will also get insight into how she teaches and be able to decide whether she is for you or not.

If you don’t have time for the class, or if you are ready to learn more about or try the program, you can learn more here on the enrollment page.

Any question about Unlimited Abundance or Christie Marie Sheldon? Ask in the comments below.

Note: The Unlimited Abundance quest is now a part of the Mindvalley Membership! So when you get the membership, you will get this course and all its bonuses as part of that membership. This is huge. They kept this course, along with a couple others, out of the membership for a long time, so this makes the membership even more worth it.


  1. Amanda October 1, 2018
    • Kari October 1, 2018
  2. Brian December 3, 2018
    • Kari December 3, 2018
      • Brian December 3, 2018
        • Kari December 3, 2018
  3. Michael December 16, 2018
    • Kari December 16, 2018
  4. Scott January 11, 2019
    • Kari January 11, 2019
  5. Roxanne January 22, 2019
    • Kari January 22, 2019
  6. paola neubert September 19, 2019
    • Kari September 19, 2019
  7. Rasika November 2, 2019
    • Kari November 2, 2019
  8. Christie July 15, 2020
    • Kari July 16, 2020

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