The last time I wrote about my Alopecia was in March of 2022. I cannot believe I’ve been dealing with hair loss since October of 2020. It’s been just over three years since this all started. And, I’ve been wearing wigs since March of 2022.
I lost all the hair over my entire body in 2022, except for a few hairs on my head.
I shaved my head last year (2022) during the summer, and not one hair has grow back since. Even though I had some hair hanging onto my head still (aka not falling out and still growing) it still hasn’t grown since shaving it.
It feels as if shaving the hair I had left sent a message to my body to stop growing it completely.
In October of 2022, my eyebrows and eyelashes grew back. Not all of them, but enough to look like I had eyebrows and eyelashes again! Then, within a few months, they all fell out again.
I was working at a very physical job to make ends meet at a very stressful time, and I have to wonder if that’s what caused them to fall out again.
My Favorite Wig
Since March of 2022, I’ve bought quite a few wigs. I did get a prescription from a skin doctor for wigs – for life. So I do get a couple covered through my husbands benefits. But, wigs are expensive, and it takes away from other medical things we could be getting with that yearly allowance.
My favorite wig so far is January by Jon Renau. I’ve bought three of them so far. I’ve also had 6 other different types of wigs, and didn’t like them as much as I’ve liked the January wig.
I saw a popular wig Youtuber make a video about January, and I’ve never seen her dislike a wig so much. So maybe I’m missing something, but no matter what color I’ve gotten, I’ve liked January the best.
In fact, while my dad was in hospice for months, it was the only wig I felt comfortable wearing. By that point, it was over a year and a half old, and I still felt like it looked alright. It had lost a lot of curl in it, but it still looked decent to me and I wore it every single day. My dad was never comfortable with the fact that I had lost my hair and he didn’t like any of my other wigs, but he did like this one.

18 Month Old January Wig
I recently got a hand-tied January wig and like that one the best out of all of them. Straight out of the box it looked good to me.

January Wig Hand-Tied In Color Hot Cocoa
A hand tied wig essentially means that the hair is tied by hand, as opposed to a machine-tied wig. This process creates a more natural finish all over the head, and it helps to create an appearance that looks very much like your own hair would.
Honestly, it just feels better on my head when they are hand tied. Smoother and more natural somehow.
With the January wig, I can wear it all day without having to worry about it shifting or coming loose. I don’t need to wear anything under my wig to secure it. Not even when I was working at my physical job.
The quality of the hair in the January wig is top-notch to me. It’s soft, silky and doesn’t tangle easily – which makes styling so much easier.
All of my other wigs have tangled easily.
Overall, I’m really happy with my January wigs.
My only complaint about January would be that it does have a lot of hair, but I’ve gotten used to that. I had the wig store cut down my first January wig, and I did take a shear to my fudgsicle one to reduce the amount of volume. But, hair does fall out as you wear January, so it gets thinner over time even if you don’t take a shear to it.
The color above is Hot Cocoa, which I like the best so far, but I’ve bought the non hand-tied January wig in fudgesicle, which is dark but still looks OK on me. You just notice the knots in the front more where the part is.

January Wig In Color Fudgesicle
I Don’t Think My Hair Is Growing Back
I still don’t feel like I look like myself. I lost my hair and my eyesight in the last few years, so I wear a wig, tattoo eyebrows, and glasses – and sometimes I have no idea who is in the mirror looking back at me.
If I lost my hair because of stress, there is a chance that it may grow back in the coming year. I’ve had a very stressful few years, ending with the death of my dad and my dog within the last few months. There’s a lot of deep sadness right now, but there’s also a lot less stress. So if stress was the cause, I may actually grow my hair back in this coming year. But, I’m not holding my breath.
For now, I know that I like the January hand-tied wig the best, and I will continue to buy it as I go forward. There’s no point in wasting any more money on wigs I don’t like as much as January.