Last Updated on June 3, 2024 by Kari
I have had many people ask me questions through comments and email about Marisa Peer’s quest on Mindvalley, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance. I haven’t been able to answer them, until now, because I finally took it and can do a review! So, if you have a question on something I don’t cover in this review (or something I do), please feel free to ask me in the comments below.
Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance is a 35-day quest that is meant to help you reprogram your subconscious mind so that you can bring more abundance into your life. And, it’s renewed my excitement around my brain and the power I have to influence it and everything else in my life.
Two Big Things Everyone Will Benefit From In This Quest
You Learn How To Make Your Mind Work For You
Marisa says that your mind will bring you abundance OR something that you don’t want – it just depends on what you are saying to yourself.
For instance, if you want to find love, how successful you are will depend on what you are telling your mind. If you are telling your mind that it’s hard to find someone, then your mind will believe you and make it hard for you to find someone. Alternatively, if you are telling your mind that love is easy to find, then your mind will believe you and make it easier for you to find.
Marisa goes into this topic deeply. She explains how your mind works, as well as how to get it to work for you so that you can have the happy, successful, and abundant life you want.
You Learn That Your Brain Can Reprogram Itself (And Why You Want To Do That For Positive Change)
I know so many people who think one way and refuse to believe that they can think any other way (or have any other experience with life) than they do now.
I’m telling you this: If you are unhappy with something in your life and think that you can’t change the way you think about things or do things, then you need to take this Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance quest. Marisa Peer explains why you can change and then helps you do it in this quest.
It doesn’t matter if you are addicted to something or have emotional or physical issues, this quest will be beneficial in helping you change the way you look at things and help you change the way you move through life.
For instance, I love the casino and hate it at the same time. I hate losing money there when I could be spending it on better things – vacations, subscriptions, and on date night with my husband. Before the quest, I couldn’t understand why I kept going back to the casino even though I hated it so much every time I left. I enjoy going there. I enjoy playing. But I hate it when I leave, no matter if I come out ahead or not because it ALWAYS feels like a waste of time and money. This quest helped me understand why I’m addicted to going to the casino. The realization I had blew me away and brought me to tears. I’m not exaggerating. And, now I know what’s really happening when I have the desire to go to the casino and how to help my mind get what it’s craving so I don’t need to go there and have the miserable experience that always follows it.
Other Things She Teaches In The Quest
There’s a lot of topics touched on in Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance. It all applies to the mind, the beliefs we have, and the life we have created and want to create. If you haven’t already, you can see a full list of the curriculum on this page. Just scroll down to ‘The Curriculum’ section.
Following are more detailed things that I learned in her quest.
- When we form most of our beliefs that still dictate what we do today.
- How visualization can help us make big changes in life, and why everyone is visual even if you think you are not.
- How the mind learns and picks up on what you really want – negative or positive.
- How to deal with people who are mean or overly critical.
- Why you need to love yourself and how to do it.
- How to let go of guilt.
- The mind-body connection.
- Tricks to keep your positive self-talk high.
- How to bring more wealth into your life.
- How to bring more love into your life.
A Few Big Things I Realized Thanks To Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance
I realized that guilt is a huge part of my life. I didn’t realize how much guilt I was holding onto. And, most of it is around my family. But, it’s become so ingrained in me to think in a guilty way, I apply guilt to all areas of my life. This quest has helped me to realize that I have nothing to feel guilty about and I am working on talking to myself differently and changing that negative wiring I have going on in relation to guilt.
I was also shocked that I learned something during the relationship section. I went into it a bit arrogant, thinking that my relationships were fine, but I quickly realized I was wrong. My relationship with my family has been causing me a lot of pain because of the way I’ve been approaching it. Marisa teaches that we learn how to get love and then we carry that lesson into our adult life. For some reason, I don’t look for love with my husband in an unhealthy way, but with my family and long-time friends, I do. I had one of those aha moments that left me crying – sobbing really.
She Does Regressions In Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance

I think a lot of people want to take Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance for the RTT sessions. Marisa Peer created the RTT method and it’s talked about quite a bit when her name comes up.
She does regressions to help you understand why you have the beliefs you have now in regards to wealth, health, and abundance. I had no epiphanies during the actual regressions. I couldn’t picture anything – even when she snapped her fingers and told you that you would effortlessly see an image in your mind. It just didn’t work for me. It felt like I was scrambling to be a good student and find that image she told me I should be able to find as I shuffled through random memories. But, in the end, it felt forced and the memories I was coming up with were just ones that stood out.
However, I did reflect on the things in the regression on my own time and had my own epiphanies in my own way. I always knew I was on to something because I would start to cry as I put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Yes, I cried a lot during the Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance quest.
The Rewiring Sessions
After the regressions, she does rewiring sessions. So, for abundance, she does both a regression session to help you understand where you developed limiting beliefs around abundance and then a rewiring session which helps you install new, empowering beliefs. These rewiring audios are meant to each be listened to for at least 21 days for optimal results.
There is a regression and rewiring session for:
- Limiting beliefs
- Abundance mindset
- Health
- Wealth
- Relationships
The rewiring sessions in this quest remind of Hypnosis Live’s sessions. And if you read my Hypnosis Live review, you know that I am a huge fan of hypnosis audios as they helped me get unstuck from a very negative mindset at a hard time in my life.
These hypnosis sessions work. I find that the more you use them, the more you start saying the stuff inside of the audio to yourself and others because they are becoming engrained in your mind and affecting your beliefs and your behavior. It’s pretty cool when you first say something positive from the audio and realize that everything is sinking into your subconscious
In Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance, you start each rewiring session the same way. Marisa takes you into a deeper state of mind so that you can allow the messages into your subconscious better. She walks you through a small visual that helps you go deeper into a state of relaxation before she starts to give you the positive messages (I would call them truths) that you need to adopt in order to change your life.
I’ve been listening to these sessions a lot, especially the health session. I think the first message from Marisa that really came to life was that I have a ton of power to influence my body. That was something I believed a long time ago but stop believing as I dealt with my hypothyroidism and started telling myself that all my symptoms were a normal part of who I was.
I believe in these sessions so much that I want all my friends and family to listen to them. In fact, I wish I could put these messages subliminally into my dad’s music so he could soak them in and start to change his beliefs and behaviors.
I’m also going to start listening to more Hypnosis Live sessions and Subliminal Guru sessions to pack every day with positive statements and affirmations that affect my subconscious where I have negative and disempowering beliefs still stuck. I used to use these tools all the time, especially Subliminal Guru, and somehow got out of that habit. This quest has got me excited to get back into it.
By the way, Marisa Peer says in her program that she’s not encouraging positive affirmations, but she kind of is in my opinion. A positive affirmation is simply a positive statement, and that’s what she is encouraging in her classes and sessions. She wants you to tell your mind more positive things so that it can believe those things and then help you attract the things you want and be the person you want to be.
What Bugged Me About Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance
The content and lessons were good. The insights I had were awesome. I only have a little bit of criticism about the course.
She talks really slow during the daily classes. I would never be able to pay attention to someone that talks that slow. My mind would be gone and onto other things within a few seconds. So, I had to listen to her at 1.5 times the normal speed for most of the lessons.
The last day of the quest, Day 35, is an implementation day. I thought this was dumb. Mindvalley has been putting implementation days into their quests, which are days where there is no actual lesson and you can catch up on anything you missed or choose to go over something again that interested you. But, why put it on Day 35? The last day of the quest? It’s almost like they wanted to round the number of days in the quest to 35 so they put a filler at the end of the quest to do so. I just found it unnecessary.

Other than that, I don’t have any complaints about the quest. It was truly awesome and I found myself discovering things that I haven’t discovered before. I was constantly talking about what I learned to my husband because I found it so fascinating and exciting.
It’s also important to note that some changes are going to happen quickly as you realize the truth in what Marisa is saying. Some things just resonate with you. But, some changes are going to happen slowly, and Marisa says this. For instance, you may need to listen to one of the rewiring audios many times before the messages start to soak in and your mind starts to change. Marisa says that you took a lifetime to get these messages ingrained in your mind so, when it comes to hardcore beliefs, it can take a while to get rid of them and replace them with new ones.
Will You Benefit From Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance?
I am in a ton of Mindvalley groups on Facebook for all kinds of courses, and Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance constantly gets talked about or recommended by people who have taken it. I knew it was good because of that, and I can say that this quest is as good as everyone says.
Marisa teaches a very common-sense approach to abundance. She helps you see why your limiting beliefs are not necessary anymore and helps you to change them to something more beneficial for your abundance.
So who is this quest for? If you:
- Are carrying around the beliefs of your family and friends or influencers, but want to find your own beliefs that serve your life better, this quest will help.
- Are in the habit of getting into bad relationships, this quest is really going to help you sort that all out.
- Feel that you are not enough or lovable enough, this quest will help.
- Have anxiety around anything, including money, love, or health, then this quest can help you see things differently and lower that anxiety while increasing confidence and anticipation.
- Are unable to deal with criticism in life, this quest will help.
- Want to learn to remove the negative in your life and bring in the positive, Marisa can help.
I would say that everyone could benefit from that last point. I don’t know one person who couldn’t benefit from removing a negative belief that is keeping them sick, unhappy, unmotivated, or away from what they truly want.
I believe that this is one of those Mindvalley quests that will suit and help everyone. She’s practical and professional and she approaches topics that relate to everyone.
If you plan on taking this quest, I would say to get ready for some past memories to come up that you have forgotten about. And, get ready to face some darker moments head-on so that you can move forward to brighter ones. It’s quite exciting, and I highly recommend taking the quest.
Check out her masterclass with Vishen where she does a free RTT therapy session. How she is in that masterclass is exactly how she is in the quest. She’s a unique and interesting woman, for sure. You can also learn more about the quest, including the next start date, here. As with all quests on Mindvalley, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance starts on certain days of the month, which you can find under the heading ‘How It Works’.
Please feel free to ask me any questions in the comment section below.
I really enjoyed reading about your experience and review of Marisa Peer’s approach. I am very fascinated on a personal and professional level.
I am assuming that there is no contact with Marissa at all, its all done via technological platform?
Just wondered how people managed difficult issues that came up. If didn’t want to go through community online?
You are right. The quest is all done with prerecorded videos. Even the coaching calls are prerecorded.
Sometimes Mindvalley does a live session of a course where the coaching calls (also called Q&As) are live, but I haven’t heard of Marisa’s quest coming up in a live version.
I haven’t seen her interact with the Facebook community, but there are a TON of people in that group interacting on a daily basis. There are a lot of positive stories and testaments to her program. And, of course, a lot of people looking for help with issues that come up during the quest. They are answered by other tribe members or group facilitators.
If you don’t want to participate in the community, you could check out her blog possibly or follow her on Facebook where you might be able to ask her questions. It looks like she’s answering questions about a particular topic today, so you may be able to get any answers you need by following her and joining any Q&As she does there.
But know that the Mindvalley community is a very open and kind place to interact and discuss issues. There are a lot of personal stories there and you may be able to find answers just by searching through the group without interacting personally.
Hi Kari,
I am just starting my love affair with mindvalley and I can see an addiction on the horizon. I am looking at 3 quests that I want to start with, and I am wondering what your opinion is on the order I should take these. Unlimited Abundance, Duality and Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance. There are so many things I want to learn and I would like to start with these 3 courses and take them in the order that makes sense to build knowledge and skills. If you could tell me your opinion and also if you take more than one of these courses at the same time, that would be very helpful!! Thank you in advance for any guidance you may provide.
🙂 I hear you! And, the addiction is not going to go away either because they keep bringing in new and interesting quests. I have the Quest All Access Pass so Mindvalley quests are on the brain every single day.
I think those three courses complement each other very well, so you could take them all at the same time. But, there’s a lot of work to do with Marisa Peer’s course and Christie Marie Sheldon’s course, so you would need to dedicate a lot of time to do all the reflecting and hypnotherapy sessions and meditations and practicing energy work… plus, Unlimited Abundance’s sessions are about 50 minutes each, so that’s a lot of time out of your day already.
If you want to take it down a notch, do Unlimited Abundance with Duality and then take Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy after.
And if you want to go one by one, I think Unlimited Abundance is the best one to start with. You really dig deep into your limiting beliefs in all areas of life. Marisa Peer tackles limiting beliefs as well, but with Unlimited Abundance, you go more in-depth. And, I’ve found that once we discover our limiting beliefs and get that desire to get rid of them, we are more receptive to new ideas as we go forward, which may be necessary for a course such as Duality. 😉
Then take Marisa Peer’s quest and learn how you can really take control over your mind and learn more about how to get rid of those old limiting beliefs and form new, more empowering ones.
And then take Duality and connect deeper with your energetic self.
Bottom line: I would do Unlimited Abundance, then Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy, and then Duality.
Do you know if Unlimited Abundance is included in the All Access Quest pass or not? In some places it says yes, others no – If it’s not included I don’t know that i want to buy the pass now anyway. Would rather avoid the headache of the refund. Thanks for your help again
I just started reading Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself yesterday. 🙂 That’s so cool.
The more courses I take and books I read, the more I notice that there are common denominators in all of them and you can get the same thing from different sources. So yeah, if courses work better for you then, as you said, they will likely be a more interactive and quick means to the same end.
No, Unlimited Abundance is not included anymore. They recently lowered the original price and took a few courses out, including Unlimited Abundance. But most of Mindvalley’s quests are there, and you get access to any future quests that are added. There’s enough to keep you busy for a year, for sure. But if it doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not. 🙂
Thanks Kari,
The all access pass was a no brainer when I thought that Unlimited Abundance was included. You probably have a pretty good idea of what I am trying to accomplish based on the quests and reads – do you think UA is greater than the sum of the parts of the all access quest related to this topic? I started more interested in Marisa Peer and shifted to Christie and now I don’t know!! Breaking the habit is taking some time because it takes some time to digest. I put it down and go back a few days later and have to reread a chapter.. But it’s all fascinating.
I wish they wouldn’t have taken it away from the pass.
It depends on how many blocks you have. Or, if you are even aware if you have blocks in certain areas of life. That’s what UA does really well. It helps you dig into limiting beliefs and have some big breakthroughs in your way of looking at things. AND it keeps you focused on abundance and how you can take action and bring more abundance into your life. It also helps you focus on the positive side of life more and change your stories around.
It’s really different than all the other quests and courses on Mindvalley. It combines energy work with common sense work. You are constantly asking yourself questions and doing self-work. You are working on releasing old ways of thinking and bringing in new ways of thinking. To me, after Lifebook, it’s the Mindvalley course that makes you think about your current life the most.
But, I think all the quests help you look at different areas of your life and dig into your beliefs in all facets of life. So I don’t think UA is more valuable than all the quests put together. There’s a lot of teaching in the quests that I’ve found extremely valuable. There’s a lot of topics that aren’t touched in UA. There are thoughts and ideas that have had a profound effect on my way of thinking and being.
One thing to think about is that UA doesn’t have video. It’s all audio and there are some people who have a tough time staying focused and even awake while listening. It’s 45+ minutes of listening to Christe speak, and not everyone has an easy time learning that way.
Hi Kari,
Quick question about the Mindvalley All Access. I noticed that Mindvalley is pretty big on group start dates with their Quests – I’m wondering if the start dates follow the All Access pass or if I can pick up a Quest when it feels right for me?
Thank you!
Hi Taige,
When you get the pass, you do what you want when you want. Once you buy the pass, you have instant and full access to all the quests offered with it. If you want to start a quest on the 1st of the month, you can do that. But, you can also start on any day between the 2nd and the end of the month. And you can also start with the next group of people coming in. Totally your choice. You create your own learning plan.
The only exception is new quests coming up. You can’t start those until the start date. And, just like all the new students, you only get access to one day at a time. But, if you want, you can put off that new quest for a while and start taking it when all the days have been opened – or whenever you want. Just keep in mind that new quests have live webinars every week, and it’s kind of fun to attend those live webinars.
So, bottom line – yes, pick up a quest when it feels right to you. It’s fun, believe me.
This was very useful information. Thank you!
Thank you for the super quick response!!! This was exactly what I needed. I have taken several of the master classes, some I am very interested in but not ready for. I am likely going for the all access pass as well, but the info on what is and is not included is conflicting… I am reading Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself now – I noticed you reviewed Becoming Supernatural. It’s taking me longer than I hoped to get through it, and I am finally at the end where it is time to put the put the knowledge to work, but the Mindvalley courses seem to be a quicker more interactive means to the same end? There is just so much of this out there, it’s tough to determine what is quality and what is not. I am happy that I found your reviews. Now that I know I need all of this, I want it all now. I am probably going to burn myself out on it! Your reviews are all very helpful. Thank you.
I am so interested to take Marisa Peer’s class but I havent finished the Unlimited Abundance class that I took last year lol. I want to ask if you have any tangible results like more money or business or job opportunities after the Marisa’s class?
After Unlimited Abundance, I did see a ton of growth in my career and earnings. That’s without a doubt. And, since the course, I’ve maintained a pretty positive mindset towards my business and what I’m capable of accomplishing.
I have earned more since I took Marisa’s quest and changed a few things in my business, but I can’t say for sure it has to do with her quest. Although I guess indirectly it could.
Marisa’s class set me on a path of changing my self-talk and beliefs in a way I haven’t experienced before. I’ve used hypnosis pretty much every day since I finished the quest. My outlook on myself and others has changed. And while that’s had an impact on a few things in regards to my business, it’s impacted my health and my relationships way more than my career. I had more personal transformations with Hypnotherapy for Abundance. Things like recognizing how I’m holding on to past relationships that are no longer there and then letting go of the need for things to be as they were. Letting go of worry and stress.
But, as Jon Butcher says in Lifebook – if you positively affect one area of your life, you positively affect all areas of your life. Therefore, it’s likely had a bigger indirect impact on my career and finances than I realize at the moment. I have earned more since I took the quest, but I attribute that to work I did before I took the quest.
I think how it impacts you will depend on your current mindset towards money, business, and job opportunities. And how Marisa’s thoughts and techniques resonate with you.
Hi, Kari.
I loved your review – honest and open. Based on your suggestion to view Unlimited Abundance first, I’ve signed up for Christie’s free masterclass on MV to see what she provides. Yesterday, I took the free Marisa Peer masterclass on Mind Valley and I was shocked that the regression took me to an emotional state. While I didn’t go “deep” in to a hypnotic state, I did walk away with her powerful message “I am enough” and felt a slight change.
My question to you is: who do you think is best suited in removing self-limiting beliefs around weight loss? Christie Marie Sheldon or Meera Peer or someone else?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the question, Alicia
If I had to choose one, I would say Marissa Peer can help more directly with that. She actually covers your relationship with food on Day 18 and discusses other things throughout the quest that can help you shift your beliefs around weight loss.
But, in Unlimited Abundance, you cover things like fear of change, resistance, and fear of growth, which could all be causing you to have limiting beliefs around weight loss.
Hi Kari,
I have been visiting your blog for a while since you share lots of valuable information. Thank you very much!
May I ask a question: I am pondering between taking the lifebook and the UA courses (not included in the all access) or getting the all access pass?. What would you recommend me?. I am looking for answers as to what to do with my life, would like to start a business but don’t know what.. anyways, I honestly feel very lost… what would you recommend me, please?
Thank you!
Hi Lily,
Thanks for that. 🙂
I know it’s tough to decide.
Lifebook is great for finding answers on what you want to do with your life and develop a vision. And Unlimited Abundance is great for clearing negative beliefs that will hold you back from doing what you want to do.
But, the all access pass gives you access to a lot of courses that can help you decide what you want to do with your life and gain the mental clarity and positive beliefs to do it.
For instance, The Habit of Ferocity can help you figure out what you are passionate about and how to go forward with your life and it can help you develop the right habits needed to get what you want.
And, both of Marisa Peers quests can help you clear negative beliefs and see things from an entirely new point of view.
That’s just three of the many courses you get access to.
You can learn to read faster, which will boost your ability to attain knowledge.
You can improve your memory which will help you in your business and your life.
You can learn to speak and inspire which will help you communicate your message better.
You can learn how to improve your relationship with money, which is essential for bringing it into your life.
So, I guess if I had to recommend one course of action, it would be the quest all access pass. There’s much more to explore and implement into your life.
But, I do recommend getting everything if you can because Lifebook and Unlimited Abundance are really good courses, which is why Mindvalley has separated them from the pass I suppose.
Hi Kari,
Thank you so much for your advise (:
Now I know I will definitely have to buy everything, lol!. I was already suspecting that was probably going to be the case, since everything looks so intriguingly good, haha!. Thanks a lot indeed!.
Now, based on my desire to build something for myself (a business, but as I mentioned before, I don’t have a clue about what to do… I feel like nothing makes sense business wise and everything looks soo blurred and I feel so clueless and that’s why I have not dared leaving my job, yet,) Where would you suggest me to start?. With what course?. I am sorry about asking all these questions, I hope you ‘d suggest me what to start with.
Again, Thanks a lot , Kari!
I totally get it. 🙂
I would say either Lifebook or Habit of Ferocity.
Lifebook has a section focused on your career. Jon guides you towards picking a career that is the best possible use of you. And, as you explore other areas of your life, it becomes apparent what you want to do go forward and what you don’t want to do, which can help you make a decision on what kind of business you want to pursue.
The Habit of Ferocity helps you dig into your curiosities and passions and find a specific thing that you would like to turn into a purpose – or business in your case. The course is a lot of work, though. It’s pretty intense. But, it would be the one that could help you narrow down what you want to do and find something to focus on going forward.
Hi Kari!
Amazing, thanks so much for your response!. I am enrolling now to do the Lifebook course. Apparently, they have this special right now in which if I complete the course within 6 weeks they refund me with my money!. $500.00 !!. Did you hear of this before?. I am super happy and will be working on this course!.
Question: (Another one, I am sorry!) Do you think if I enroll in the Mindvalley all access program to start working on the Habit of Ferocity Quest I will have time to work on both at the time?. Do you advise me to do so?. What are your suggestions?. I trust your advise, since you have been doing their courses for a while!. Thank you sooo much for your replies, I am most grateful!.
I think the programs would actually complement each other very well. That’s what I’ve been trying to do – take courses that complement each other so that one idea from one course can help me with the other course.
I personally spent about 6.5 hours per week with Lifebook and about 7-8 hours per week on Habit of Ferocity. It all depends on you, though, because a lot of work is very personal in both these courses where you are writing things down, planning things out, and creating visuals. So, it depends on how much work you have to do and how much work you put into the homework and creation of your Lifebook and plan moving forward in the Habit of Ferocity. But, if I were to guess I would say that you would need about 13.5 hours per week. So, if you have that, it would work.
I just read your Lifebook review, and understand why they offer the $500.00 I think after such valuable course, it may not be worth it asking for it, but it’s nice that they offer the option. Just wanted to say that I read your review on Lifebook but I would Looove it I you could please answer my questions above!. Thank you so much!
A lot of people feel like that when the course is over. They appreciate the work that Jon and Missy put into the course and want to make sure they get paid for their time and effort and energy.
If you have any other questions about Lifebook, feel free to ask in the comment section on the Lifebook Online Review article.
Have fun!
Wow, thanks a lot Kari!.
Just one last question:. I did not complete the enrollment to the course yesterday, because I want to know how do I make sure you get your commission for each course I enrol to?. Yesterday I just clicked on the link that is in the review you left for the course, but I don’t see your name anywhere there or a question about referral..
Thanks Lily, I appreciate you asking that so much.
All my reviews have links that should earn me a commission. As long as my links are the last links you click before you buy, I should get the commissions. It doesn’t show my name in the links or anything – often it just says something like ‘source-aff’ in the destination URL.
Hi Kari, your reviews are incredible!! I only just discovered your blog after googling about this course. I have a lot to do and really keen to work on myself. I’ve done 3 years of therapy and although there’s been improvements, I still am not where I want to be in life. Reading through many of your reviews, I thought I’d reach out to you directly if you don’t mind.
For a long time I have struggled knowing what I’m meant to be doing. I enjoy my work and it pays well, but I wonder if there’s something else meant for me. I don’t feel passionate about much and have always felt I don’t know what it is I want for myself/could be doing/that drive to get up each morning excited etc. You’ve spoken about Lifebook which sounds very encompassing in this regard and also Habit of Ferocity. I also lack pursuing creative hobbies because the ‘passion’/’interest’ wanes very quickly.
I have goals to live life a certain way. It includes waking up at eg: 5/5.30am and doing meditation, yoga, exercise, journalling. I want to meal plan and have a whole food vegan diet. I want to have loads of energy. I would love to train to shape a physique I’d love to see in the mirror everyday. I struggle with self trust & accountability & keeping promises to myself. So I barely wake up in time for work. But I know what I want to do, and I just self sabotage. This goes with binge eating, and not doing exercise because I’m not in the mood or I feel too tired after work. I struggle with low self esteem, body image and confidence too. I know a lot of people feel all of this. I am trying to work on self compassion and mindfulness this year.
With what I’ve written above, it sounds like you would recommend the Unlimited Abundance course. I am really keen on both of Marisa Peers’ courses too. Is there a lot of overlap with her Uncompromised life vs Rapid Transformational Therapy for abundance? Does one stand out higher for you than the other? Can they be done at the same time?
From reading your blog, those 5 have resonated with me the most. (I am less sure of anything a bit ‘spiritual’ with chakras or healing or energies etc). Could you recommend an order on how to approach these and how much time commitment they may take? Would doing all of these end up being a full 12 months? The thing that first took me down this Mindvalley rabbithole was the RTT because it sounds like it might help me the most. And then I discovered these others on your blog.. I am also a little nervous as I struggle with finding the energy after work to come home and ‘study’. Any tips for increasing energy (I already sleep 9 hours) in order to tackle all of these courses? I am so excited to spend 12 months on me if that’s what it will take!! (But scared as I struggle with allocating any regular time/a personal schedule on my days off to work on ‘extra-curricular’ education)… This just reminds me, I’ll probably love to do the speed reading and memory courses down the line too.. lol
Sorry I wrote so much and thank you if you take the time 🙂
Hi Dilushani, thanks for sharing all that.
I would recommend Lifebook first. It’s 6 weeks long and requires some time and energy, but can really help you get clarity around what you want and don’t. I’ve seen some people go into Lifebook thinking that they need to pursue big goals and dreams and come out of Lifebook knowing that they just want to enjoy their life and take it day by day. Lifebook can help you find your passions and give you structured guidance to figure out what you want the most in life. You can get a refund after the 6 weeks if you want, so that’s good. And, there are a ton of Q&A sessions each week which can help you answer questions that you may have in certain areas of your life that need to be answered in order to figure out what you want and where you are going. Lifebook is really about helping you create your unique vision, so I highly recommend it first because it can help you figure out what you need to do next.
I personally feel like the Habit of Ferocity is too intense as a first-time course for gaining more clarity around your life. It could help you get serious about your habits, but if you don’t know what you want first, there’s going to be a lot of work to do.
A lot of the courses on Mindvalley can help with self-sabotage, including Lifebook. I think that if you are interested in more than two or three of them, you should invest in the Mindvalley Quest All Access Pass. It really is worth it if you want to work on your personal growth continuously. There are over 36 courses you can take, plus Mindvalley Mentoring classes to watch, and new classes to watch each week. The only thing is that it doesn’t include Unlimited Abundance or Lifebook or Wildfit.
A lot of the courses are about a month-long give or take a day, so technically you could be doing 12 courses in a year. You could do two courses at one time and do 24 courses in a year. You could do more. You could do less. But if you want to do more than three courses in the year on Mindvalley, invest in the pass for sure.
And each quest includes a daily lesson that is about 20 minutes long. With Marisa Peer’s Rapid Transformational Therapy, there are extra hypnotherapy sessions that you need to listen to. Many of the courses require a little bit of work outside of the class. So you could be looking at anywhere from 20-60 minutes of time allocated to one quest per day.
As far as the self-sabotage, I think you will gain a lot from Marisa Peer’s programs. She makes doing what you need to do sound so easy. Uncompromised Life and Rapid Transformational Therapy are pretty much the same in the material. But they are different in structure. Each week in Uncompromised Life, you get one hour lesson, one practice session, and one hour of Q&A. The Rapid Transformational Therapy program is done in quest format, which Mindvalley says gets better completion rates than other courses because it’s a daily course with bite-sized information. You could do both at the same time for reinforcement, for sure. But one session in Uncompromised Life is like one week in Rapid Transformational Therapy (because it’s broken up into daily sessions). So you would have to figure out what works best for you in listening to it all.
I understand the low physical energy thing. I don’t know why you are low energy, so I can’t give tips. For me, it was/is Hypothyroidism. There are some days where my hormones are working overtime (or maybe not working enough?) and I have no energy. But, I’ve found that if I really want to do something, I’ll find the energy to do it. This applies mostly to watching YouTube lol. But, I’ve found that when you get into the habit of taking a course every day – or just working on your personal growth daily, it becomes something you want to do and the energy just seems to be there for it.
Lastly, I would recommend Unlimited Abundance second to Lifebook for getting clear on who you are and what you want. It helps you dig into limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in life or on the wrong path. It can help with fears you may have and she even has sessions on clearing indecision, self-sabotage, and a lack of self-worth out of your life. I wish they would include it with the all access pass.
If I missed anything or you need more clarity, feel free to keep asking questions!
Thank you Kari for your detailed reply!! 🙂 I did not expect it that fast either. I didn’t mean to take this long to reply back. Your blog is one of the better review blogs I’ve come across of all topics- your reviews are very thorough but also this personal touch with replies is really incredible. To be honest I hope you get some money out of recommending or taking Mindvalley courses. Or if you have affiliated links, I will absolutely use them 🙂
I did have a few follow up questions if that’s okay.
I will definitely do Life Book based on what you told me. Then Unlimited Abundance but I’m nervous about how she goes into lights, energies etc, since that’s not something I really believe in. What percentage of her course covers or ingrains thoughts related to that? I’d love to unblock limiting beliefs, but only if it makes sense to me..
I think after that I will do Marisa Peer’s courses. I am wondering whether it matters if I had no visual image/memory during her masterclass for an example of when a caregiver let me down. She spoke about how the examples will come to us immediately and got us to think 3 separate times, but it didn’t happen for me. During the course, if there’s more of that and I don’t visualise those sorts of examples, will it not be as effective?
I am definitely keen on doing the All Access Pass (even though Life Book & Unlimited Abundance both aren’t included). With Marisa Peer’s course when bought separately there’s all these bonuses like 4x Transformational Hypnotherapy Audio Tracks with Uncompromised Life. Do you still get the bonuses for any course that is accessed with the All Access Pass? And because I planned on just doing it for 12 months, I know it means I will lose all my learning material after my subscription ends. Were there any courses you’ve done that you want to keep access for forever/would consider purchasing to keep? OR courses that you feel are beneficial to repeat doing again at varying intervals? I wonder if RTT would be a good one to play to myself intermittently through the year?
Thank you for your encouragement about finding the energy for self development. I have been checked for thyroid issues but I have no obvious cause for my tiredness since I sleep enough too. I think it’s related to stress hence doing mindfulness. But I hope the courses inspire me enough to carve time out each day in the 12 months!
Out of everything I wrote last week and just general goals, what other courses would you recommend that we haven’t discussed at all? For instance I haven’t even looked at Vishen’s courses, Robin Sharma’s, Everyday Bliss etc..
Thank you so much Kari!
Thank you. 🙂 All my links are affiliate links on the site, so if you click through any of them and buy, I do get some money as an affiliate.
Yeah, that’s the thing about Christie Marie Sheldon, she does approach real-life issues that can cause limiting beliefs, but her techniques are not going to be for everyone. For instance, she helps you dig into what your limiting beliefs are through certain questions that she asks, but she also gets you to connect to the light and use the words delete, uncreate, and destory to get rid of those limiting beliefs. If you are too distracted by the techniques she uses (don’t believe they can work, get annoyed by them, whatever) then it’s going to be tough making her method work for you. You really have to put trust in Christie Marie Sheldon’s way of doing things and go into it with an open mind. If you can, she helps you get into an energy state where you are more willing to accept the positive beliefs and able to attract what you want into your life. Your beliefs work for you in a positive way, you see things more clearly, and you are more willing to take chances in your life that will help you get what you want. If you haven’t watched the masterclass, watch it because you will get a good sense of whether or not you resonate with her and her techniques.
If you don’t resonate with her, then Marisa Peer would be better because she’s so matter-of-fact about getting rid of limiting beliefs.
There are more recalling exercises in her quest. I had someone else contact me once and tell me that they can’t visualize things. I’m such a visual person that I can’t relate to it. I can clearly see past experiences and conjure up things as if I were there. As far as full out visualizing, I know that most teachers who tell you to visualize say it’s OK if you don’t see anything. Just being in the memory is good enough. But, I don’t know about that. I think being able to visualize it adds more feeling. And if you can’t bring up anything at all then it’s like you are working with nothing, so that’s not helpful.
I think too if you try too hard it won’t come naturally. Like if you are actively trying to conjure something up then a memory in your subconscious that you don’t know about may not be able to pop up because you are so actively using your conscious mind. You may find that you instantly find a memory for certain topics and need to let other ones come to you. I can tell you that some memories popped up that I had completely forgotten about.
I searched through the community for someone else who has had this problem of not being able to bring up an example. Here’s one comment I found:
“I have struggled a little with the RTT Hypnosis sessions, I find at the time of the session I don’t feel that I am recalling anything, I just keep going back to memories, maybe that’s it! Sometimes during the day things will pop into my head, that light bulb moment when something seems to gel. I know that I don’t like not being in control so this could be part of my problem, learning to let go. I feel that I have achieved some insight into my limiting beliefs in most areas and I will do this whole thing again from day one, I am sure it will get through another layer for me.
I have definitely received some benefits from the program, my husband has commented on my confidence being better and I am more accepting of myself, not rejecting and questioning him when he tells me he loves me. I will keep working on it and I’m sure I will get there bit by bit.”
So she was obviously finding some benefits without being able to recall something.
As far as the All Access Pass, you get everything that comes with the courses. I’ve occasionally had to write into support to find things, but they are always tucked away in your Mindvalley dashboard somewhere. The other day I couldn’t find the bonus Q&A that came with Energies of Love and it was under a completely different section in my dashboard. So if you can’t find something that should be there, just write into support.
Every single course I’ve taken has had many students repeat it, whether for clarity or further results or just because they enjoyed it so much. I haven’t felt the need to repeat many courses, mostly because I have so much new stuff I want to do and there’s just not enough time.
I did take Lifebook and Unlimited Abundance twice (of course they are not in all access pass), and I have referred back to certain quests for certain days when it comes to techniques that I want to remember. Especially in the energy-focused classes. But, I make it a point of paying attention to the quest with as much focus as possible – and I take as many notes as possible – to help me retain what I learn and not have to go back to it. I also take most courses with my husband, so talking about them with my husband helps me get what I need out of it the first time.
Everyday bliss was a good quest for stress. It gives you some techniques to work with to reduce stress and anxiety. I found it worked wonders for me in this pandemic during a few times where I was stressed out about what was going on.
I think personal mastery would benefit you too. Srikumar has a way of explaining complicated things in an easy way. He helps you look at life and its struggles in a different way as well as helps you to approach issues differently. It was so good.
Hero, Genuis, Legend can help with those habits you want to implement, especially waking up earlier. And thinking about it, you may be getting a lot of sleep but not quality sleep, which is something the Sleep quest can help you with.
And if you don’t take Lifebook, then tackle the Habit of Ferocity. Just get ready for an intense ride. It’s going to help you find your interests and the intersections of those interests where you might find some direction on how to move forward with your life.
Also, Vishen’s Be Extraordinary is a good one. He helps you get rid of limiting beliefs and feel more empowered in life. It’s really about coming to terms with the fact that you are in charge of your life and you can take control over what’s happening by changing the way you think and approach life.
Lol. I know I’m all over the place. This is why I recommend the pass.
I think all the courses tackle limiting beliefs on some level because they help you look at things in your life differently. I’m currently taking the newest course called Integral Life by Ken Wilber. Holy crap. He has me looking at the people in the world in a completely different way and we are only halfway through. I think his course is something that everyone on Twitter or social media in general needs to take if they want to help create more peace of mind in themselves and the world in general.
There’s a lot to choose from, but When you sign up for the all access pass, they help you figure out what quests will benefit you the most according to the category of life you most want to work on, so that would help too.
Thanks Kari 🙂 All access pass it is and I will use your affiliate link.
Is there a way to save or download quests/content/recordings/hypnosis etc? I don’t know how long I can keep renewing the subscription even though there are so many courses. At some stage I will have to stop I think..
Awesome. 🙂 I hope you get so much out of it.
No, you can’t download the content. You can download all the eBooks that come with the quests though – they are places to take notes and write down answers to questions in the quest – but they don’t always contain the information taught in the quests.
It is terrible organize and they are just after your money . That is the bottom line.
The focus is not to train you . Their focus is to make you sign the contract , so they can get your money regardless even , if you realize is not a good program afterwards .
They don’t even have a telephone number. When you want to reach out to them everything is through emails .
They never replied on time .
I enrolled and they enrolled me first in a wrong program . They never correct that .I never had a registration call or welcome call, my mentors were never available ( I live in the US) . They don’t have a team . There is always random people answering .
When I was in the program I spoke with some of the students and they have my same thoughts . The program might work for Marissa , but doesn’t work for us . The course content is repetitive .
At this point , I am not part of the program and they don’t want to give me my refund . They say they have a 14 day cooling period . I was trying to reach out to people at that time and no one reached out to me . It seems like an strategy . They just want to suck your money . BE CAREFUL. They said I signed a contract . I didn’t . I put a complaint in BBB. They don’t want to give me my refund . They are still charging me for the course .
I enrolled because I wanted to help people , make better my finances . Right now this is like a nightmare. I have them money for free , I am not part of the program and they are asking for more money . This is mentally draining and disturbing . I get harassing emails asking for money .
I asked them to showed me the contract , since they didn’t have the correct one from the beginning. I didn’t get the email yet. Do not enroll in this program . They just want you money any way possible they can . There plenty programs around that their goal is not sucking your money.
It is so disappointed to think somebody like Marissa Peer is the face of this unprofessional , untrustworthy program
Are you talking about the Mindvalley course that I reviewed here or Marissa Peer’s personal RTT training from her sites? I’m assuming the latter as there are no contracts with Mindvalley or mentors with the Rapid Transformational Program on Mindvalley.
Alright, a very positive view about Marisa Peer. Well, can you speak to the probable success for taking on her 21-day Challenge course ? That’s one where you get paired. I heard you listen to recordings that are of Marisa Peer. I hear you will uproot things that have kept your personal confidence stuck, etc. What do you know about the effectiveness of taking on this ? Thanks …
I’m not sure what her 21-day challenge course is. I didn’t take it. I checked it out and it looks like you would get a lot of the same information. I mean she can only teach what she knows, so it’s likely the same from any course/challenge she offers. With Mindvalley you get a quest format and the community, but in her challenge, it looks like you get a bunch of stuff too, including prerecorded Q&A call, which is another thing Mindvalley offers.
IN any case, I can say that one thing her programs on Mindvalley do is help you uncover those moments when you developed limiting beliefs.
Who knows if there is any Permanent change/growth to be had with these transformation type marisa peer products ?
I am considering purchasing the 21 day challenges. And it sounds like emotional strength and self empowerment are targets for the teaching you are getting…