Last Updated on June 3, 2024 by Kari
Just over a month ago, I was sitting in a coffee shop trying to fill in an Excel sheet with numbers. I had the numbers on my laptop screen, and I would try to memorize as many as I could so that when I opened up the excel sheet I could fill it in quicker. No matter how hard I tried, or how simple the numbers were, I could only remember two numbers at a time. It was so frustrating. The next day, I was scrolling through Mindvalley and came across the Superbrain quest by Jim Kwik. I had seen the quest before, but it hadn’t caught my interest as it did at that moment. I was tired of having a crappy memory. Superbrain seemed like it was something that could help. My husband and I just finished the quest, so here is my review.
The Most Important Point In This Superbrain Quest Review
If you don’t read anything else in this review, I want you to know that Superbrain is a really awesome quest that will benefit you, your friends, your mother, your kids, and everyone else in your life who has a brain.
The subjects, brain health and brain strength, will apply to everyone. We all want to keep our brain healthy and have an easy time doing things like remembering or focusing.
So, if you are wondering if this quest is for you, and you already know the quest interests you, then I can confidently say that it is for you. You will benefit from it because it will help your brain’s health or power in some way if you use what you learn inside the quest.
The Second Most Important Point In This Superbrain Quest Review
Not everyone wants to improve their brain health or brain strength.
I realized that when I was trying to teach my parents one of the techniques in the quest. My dad completely left the room and pretended he had to do something else. My mom tried her best to show interest, but it was obvious she didn’t care, and she quickly moved on to another subject so she didn’t have to talk about it anymore.
Jim Kwik always ends the day with tasks that you need to do, and many days require you to teach what you’ve learned to someone else.

By teaching someone else, you remember the technique better, so it’s encouraged in the Superbrain quest. In fact, I would say it’s one of the key ways to make the most out of this quest. When you teach, you remember more. And, sometimes you will realize you don’t remember as much as you thought as you try to explain something Jim taught, which will help you identify where you need to practice more.
You can teach the techniques to people you love, or you can teach it to people in your life who have a poor memory and could really benefit from techniques like Jim teaches.
But, just remember that not everyone is going to want to learn what you’re teaching – no matter how important you think it is for them.
Superbrain Is A 30-Day Quest On Mindvalley
Superbrain is a 30-day quest.
Mindvalley’s quests are structured so that each day you watch a video that’s about 20 minutes long, learn something new, and get a chance to try it out, mull it over, or apply it to your life before the next day.
It’s a bite-sized way to learn.
But, even 20 minutes a day can be too long when you’re busy. That’s why my husband and I have found that you must schedule in time each day to engage in the quest or you might find an excuse to skip it. And, with the Superbrain quest, we didn’t want to skip a day. It was so interesting that we wanted to add it to our lives daily for 30 days.
So we did each lesson right after supper each day. The only thing we didn’t do in the 30 days was the Q&A videos.
There Are Two Days With Bonus Q&A Video
Day 8 and 30 both have a bonus Q&A. On day 8 it’s about 52 minutes long and on day 30 it’s about 50 minutes long.
These videos are with Jim Kwik and a Mindvalley member, and they give you more insight into Jim’s life and his brain-boosting tips.
On day 8, we didn’t have an extra 50 minutes to watch the Q&A video. I was kicking myself because I wanted to fully participate in everything the quest offered each day, but it just wasn’t going to happen. We ended up watching both of the Q&A sessions after day 30 on a weekend.
We then realized that it worked out for the best.
I think the videos make more sense after you’ve gone through the whole quest because, just like the quest, there is a lot of interesting tips and ideas packed into those sessions, and you will understand and appreciate them more after you have learned all the tips and ideas in the 30 days of the quest.
At least that’s what we found.
In short, you can watch them right away, but it’s not necessary to watch the Q&A video on the same day it comes out.
This Quest Is Great For People Who Enjoy Visualization

I’m very good at visualization. I could sit around and daydream with clear visuals in my head all day.
Jim taught a lot of memory techniques that played well with my ability to visualize, so it was really easy for me to instantly use many of the techniques he taught.
My husband is not as good at visualization (he’s more of an auditory guy), but he was also able to quickly pick up many of the memory techniques that Jim taught.
On day 9 of the Superbrain quest, Jim teaches a technique called ‘chain linking’ to remember a list. It was such a visual high for me that I subjected my husband to 2 hours of practicing it that night.
We were in bed and he was coming up with lists of words for me to remember and I was gleefully reciting them back to him using my visual memory and the chain linking technique.
It took him 20 times as long to come up with the list as it took me to recite it back to him. And, I can still remember them.
But all that practice did him good too. I also came up with lists for him to remember, and he was able to practice his visualization.
We Took A Lot Of Notes!
I don’t think I’ve ever taken this many notes in a course. Each page is full of stuff I wanted to remember and things I found interesting. Every single day offered us something worthwhile to learn and write down.
Which, by the way, was one of the things my husband and I were so impressed with. Each day of the quest had new insights to take in. Even on implementation days – which are days that you can go back and catch up on or study up on a concept from previous days – included something new.
A Few Of The Big Benefits I Experienced
- Can Remember Things Forwards And Backwards: Never in a million years would I have remembered a list of 20 items forwards and backward in a matter of minutes before this quest. Jim’s methods allow you to easily remember things forwards and backward. You can even pull from the middle if you want.
- Learned What’s Important For Good Brain Health: Jim goes over 10 important habits for greater brain health, and by the end of the quest you will have these habits memorized and it will be hard to ignore whether or not you are incorporating them into your own life. My husband has been very particular about a few of the brain health habits he really values, and so have I since this quest. I’m so grateful for this new, constant awareness.
- Stopped Forgetting Grocery Items: Jim teaches a way to remember grocery items, and while there are other techniques he teaches that would work, this specific way works best for me. I was always going to the grocery store, forgetting my list, and coming home with everything BUT what was on the list. Now, I know exactly what I need because I have each food stored in my memory in a unique way. You can even say that the list comes with me because I have all the information stored on my body through memory. 😉
- Learned How To Remember People’s Names: I was the worst for remembering names. Someone would tell me their name and I would forget it within a second. I hated that because it made me look like I didn’t care, but I didn’t know how to fix it. Jim teaches Be Suave and the PIE method, both of which helped me realize what I was doing wrong and gave me the ability to start remembering people’s names. He actually goes through a whole lesson on Day 14 where he meets people from Mindvalley and teaches you how to remember their names as they introduce themselves.
- Learned How To Easily Build My Vocabulary: One of the things Jim teaches is how to easily expand your vocabulary. You can take a word and remember it with a visual technique he teaches. This is great for me as a writer. The more words I have in my vocabulary, the better. But, this technique also works for different languages you are learning, which is also great for me! I would love to learn every language on the planet, and while that may not happen in this lifetime, I know that my new memory tools will help me learn as many languages as possible.
My Husband’s Review Of The Superbrain Quest
Right after day 30, I asked my husband to give me a review of the quest. Here are the points that I wrote down as he talked.
This has been the most interesting course on Mindvalley for me. It’s very informative and eye-opening. It challenges your brain to break out of the pattern it knows for learning and remembering. Jim gives you a lot of tips on how to use your memory more effectively. Each demonstration by Jim is very thorough, but super simple to follow. You can apply everything you learn quickly to your life. You end with a lot of tools to use in your everyday life.
My Final Thoughts On The Superbrain Quest
I now have a ton of tools at my disposal to remember things. I can easily remember lists, what people tell me, and other important things that I need to remember using these tools.
I’m impressed at how well Jim Kwik can teach and help you improve your memory. Everything he says helps you to fully understand the concept or technique he’s talking about.
But, you do need to practice the techniques. That’s another key to making the most out of the quest. The more you practice, the easier it is to remember something that you need to remember.
Also, I found it really important to make his techniques my own. While he teaches you how to use his memory techniques with symbols he remembers, I found that coming up with my own symbols helped a lot. It made it easier to remember and more personal.
After taking the quest, my relationships have improved because I pay more attention to what people are saying and I can remember more things from conversations, especially things that matter to the people I’m communicating with. It works well in building bonds, creating trust, and making people feel validated and heard.
The first thing I did after the quest was to sit down and open up an Excel sheet to see how much my memory has improved. Remember I said I could only remember two numbers at a time? Now I can remember six. That may not seem like much, but I’m super happy with it, to say the least. And, as Jim Kwik often says, “Practice makes progress,” so the more I work on my memory and brain health, the better I will get. I know that.
I value my brain so much more after this quest, which is such a weird thing to say. I feel like I should’ve valued my brain this much before. Jim helped me realize how important it is to take care of my brain and how ‘super’ it really is for my relationships, health, career, happiness, and everything else.
Lastly, as with all quests and courses on Mindvalley, you get access to a private Facebook group where you can discuss techniques, share, and learn from other Superbrain members. You can’t get access unless you have the password given to you once you sign up for the quest. I found going there helped us come up with some answers to homework Jim gave that we couldn’t come up with ourselves. Plus a lot of people are thinking outside of the box in the group, and it’s nice to be connected to people like that.
Is Jim Kwik’s Superbrain Quest For You?
You’re interested, but you’re not sure. Should you take it?
I would say that if you are interested in the quest, then the Superbrain quest IS for you. It’s taught by a likable Jim Kwik who is obviously passionate about brainpower and health. He’s an expert in the field. He’s helped some really big names with their memory. And, I found that he has a knack for teaching big concepts in a way that everyone can understand.
The only person who wouldn’t find this quest valuable would be someone who didn’t want to improve their memory or overall brain health.
The quest can help you do a few things.
- The quest can boost your memory and your confidence.
- It can help you develop stronger relationships as you remember important details about people.
- It can help you leave the house without a to-buy list and come back with everything you need!
- It can help you remember important points, without notes, for a speech or even just something you want to discuss with someone.
- It can help you remember numbers through visual techniques.
- It will teach you a unique method for remembering numbers such as pin numbers, phone numbers, birth dates, anniversary dates, or any other numbers you want to remember. (This one requires some practice, but it’s so awesome!)
- You will be able to teach other people how to improve their memory – and not just adults. I’ve read about teachers using Jim’s techniques from the Superbrain quest with their students with success, and parents using it with their kids and having success. So, if you have young ones around, this will help you help them with their memory.
If you are still not sure, make sure you take the free Masterclass here if you haven’t. And, if you just want to learn more about the quest, then you can click here to learn more about the quest.
Lastly, if you have any questions or comments about the Superbrain quest, please use the comment section below.
Update: I had one person send me an email asking me the following question – Did any of Kwik’s tools teach how to memorize dialogue scripts, monologues etc. for the acting world. Here’s my reply to him: Yes, I think all his techniques can help, but one lesson – day 23 – is focused on how to memorize a speech word for word, which he says is what he teaches to Hollywood stars to help actors memorize their lines quicker.
How wonderful to know that the quest worked out superbly for you and your hubby! I am still on the fence on whether to sign up for the course, but I have signed up for the free Masterclass, scheduled tomorrow. Even with the installment option, it’s still quite a hefty sum. I probably should save up for this. Thanks for sharing your thoughts & experience about the quest.
Your welcome. 🙂 I think you will enjoy the Masterclass. Jim Kwik is just so likable and, I found, he makes things so easy to understand.
January 26 2019, you replied to a comment saying “your” welcome and “your’e” welcome. I’m sorry that it bugged me so much that I had to write this☹️.
I’m sorry too. A lot of times I write too fast in comments and my spelling and grammar isn’t perfect. I hope the meaning still comes through.
Did you get the certificate for the quest ? If we do buy the quest, do we need to buy the package that includes the certificate? is it worth the 100 dollars?
No, I didn’t get it. I don’t really understand what the purpose of getting it would be besides to show people that you took the program… maybe if you were teaching something related to it and wanted to show people you’ve taken it. But, personally, I wouldn’t pay the extra money to get it. I just don’t see the value in that. I bought the regular program – no certificate.
How much was this program? I watched the masterclass and am being told that it will be much higher if I don’t buy now. I always feel kind of leary then… Right now it’s $350 for just the digital access or $400 for digital access and certificate. Is this a good price? Also, are you able to rewatch these videos later? Meaning do you have “life-time access”? Thank you !!!
I’ve noticed that the cost varies throughout the year depending on various factors such as whether or not you take the masterclass and whether or not it is being highlighted through Mindvalley. Right now, Superbrain is the course being promoted through Mindvalley, so it should be at it’s lowest price and if you take the masterclass, whatever price offered directly after (on the same page) is the lowest price in my experience. Remember, that cost is in USD. For me, converted to CAD, it would cost around $450. That said, $350 USD is the best price that I’ve seen on the quest. And, I’ve seen that price at times other than when it’s being promoted.
The big benefit of taking the quest when it’s being promoted is that a bunch of students will start at the same time and the moderator in the Facebook group will go through it with you, so you will find yourself in a big ‘class’ so to speak and be on the same page as other people. I enjoyed that aspect. But, even if you decide to take it later, you will still find yourself starting with some students (as the quest usually starts on a certain date in the beginning of every month) and being able to interact with past students.
Yes, you have lifetime access to the entire program. I’ve seen a lot of people go through it twice. But, the first time you go around through it, you only get access to one day at a time. So the whole quest doesn’t open up as soon as it starts. It goes day by day. After the entire quest is unlocked, it stays unlocked forever in your account.
I hope that makes sense. Any other questions, feel free to ask.
Wow. They do this training with 2000 people at a time. for $350 each. That’s $700k. For recordings.
Why not make this more affordable to help more people, knowing more people can afford it. Looking for reviews, I’m mostly finding good reviews from people admitting that they are an affiliate – so they get a percentage for each person who signs up…
I don’t know. You would have to talk to them about the pricing. I think it’s a fair price for all the work they put into the course. I’ve never been someone to put down how much a company makes collectively and complain that I’m being screwed because of it. I didn’t do the work on the product, so I don’t see the point in telling people how much they should be charging or making.
I am more than willing to pay for value. I’m not offended by other people making money if they are doing the work – creating, writing, drawing, speaking, presenting, teaching, reviewing, etc. I am offended when people want something for nothing.
You can find a lot of good feedback on Superbrain from people other than affiliates. For instance, if you take the course, you will see a ton of good comments in the Facebook group for Superbrain.
Hi! Do you think this Quest could be taken by a visually impaired person?
Is there any reading or writing or having to recognize shapes on the screen?
Hi Maria,
Thanks for asking this.
Most of the videos are of Jim Kwik talking and you can really visualize what he’s saying. I found that the Superbrain quest is mostly based on ways to improve your memory through visualization (in your mind’s eye). It heavily relies on the visualization, auditory, and kinesthetic elements.
While it’s mostly just Jim Kwik staring at the screen, each video does include key points and principles and quotes listed out on the screen periodically. But, it’s all stuff he is saying. It’s really just to complement his words and break up the video a bit.
At the end of every video, he includes some brain bites from the lesson, which is a summary of the lesson written below the video.
There are some videos/lessons that I suppose could be problematic. For instance, when he teaches how to learn how to count to ten in Japanese, he goes through 1 to 10 first. The numbers are shown on the screen as he says them and the spelling is also shown. After he shows the words, he helps you visualize the words in various ways – which wouldn’t be an issue to someone visually impaired, but, if you didn’t see it, you wouldn’t have the spelling of the word in your mind’s eye. For instance, 1 is spelled Ichi and 2 is spelled Ni – and when he’s helping you remember them, he reaches down and scratches his knee and says he has an itchy knee, which helps you remember Ichi and Ni. It doesn’t really matter if you just want to be able to say the words, though.
There is one video where a few Mindvalley employees are brought in so that Jim can teach you how to remember names, and he uses some points about their appearances to help demonstrate how you can remember someone’s name easier. There’s another video where you are looking at pictures of people with names drawn on the head.
So, to answer your question:
As far as reading, you can really get all the information from what he’s saying. He’s very descriptive with his words and the course is really focused on visualizing things in your mind’s eye.
As far as recognizing shapes, no. I can’t remember anything like that, and I quickly skimmed through it to make sure.
As far as writing, I took a lot of notes because I enjoy doing that and I wanted to remember points for this review. He does actually have a lesson in the warm-up on how to take better notes. And he does say to ‘write this down’ occasionally. Plus, he gets you to come up with extra things to remember after some of his lessons and I found the best way to do that was with writing. For instance, he teaches you how to remember 1-20 things by associating 20 specific things with those numbers, but you can come up with associations for 30-100 things on your own, and writing down a list is the easiest way to go over and recall those associations until you have them memorized. So, writing can come in handy. Also, he does occasionally get you to take out a piece of paper and write down what you remember out of a list he recites. It’s a way to test your memory before he teaches you a technique to truly memorize the list. But you could just hold the list in your memory too. That said, my husband didn’t take any notes or write anything.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is that I think someone who is visually impaired would be able to benefit from learning the techniques taught in this quest as they mostly depend on visual imagery. Being able to grasp the lessons and implement the techniques into your life doesn’t depend on writing or reading or recognizing shapes. It all depends on how good your visualization is because that’s what you ultimately need to rely on with most of these techniques.
I hope that helps.
Dear Kari,
Thank you very much for your very detailed answer. I’m enjoying your blog, and I’ll go ahead with the Quest.
Thanks so much for this review! Did you find that the bonus material on reading and remembering what you’ve read was as valuable as promised? I see that Jim Kwik has an entire course on this on his own website. It seems like on the Quest, maybe it is just a quickie “extra” that he doesn’t go into too deeply, so that you have to pay for his program if you really wanted to learn the techniques behind remembering everything you read. What do you think? Personally, a lot of memory techniques he uses I already learned in the book A Mind for Numbers, which I read free from the library, but what I’m really interested in is actually remembering all of the information in the books I read (I’m researching a health issue and can’t remember a thing I’ve read about 24 hrs later!!)
I’ll have to check out that book, A Mind For Numbers. Sounds interesting.
It’s a crash course, for sure. But, yes, his tips did help me read faster and comprehend more with better focus. At the beginning of the video, you read for full comprehension as fast as you can at first for insight into how fast you read. Then he teaches you the obstacles to faster reading and comprehension and gives you tips to read faster and comprehend more. You will find yourself reading faster after the short 25-minute bonus.
Superbrain will help you remember what you read better. You will find yourself using a variety of techniques he teaches (and even creating some for yourself) as you read for better retention. In pretty much everything I do, I’m finding ways to remember things better. I’m sure you already do that after reading your book as well.
Also, when I signed up for the Quest All Access Pass, I noticed that there is an upcoming quest called Speed Reading with Jim Kwik. As far as I’ve learned, it’s coming out in the beginning of September, so that will be cool. I’m assuming he will have tips to speedread AND retain what you’re reading.
And, I follow him on Facebook. I find I get a lot of free tips from him on there. Totally recommend doing that!
Do you think this course can be taken by an 11yr old child and parent together? Will it become overbearing and boring after a while for the child… and he / she tend to lose interest right after 2-3 days. What is your opinion? TIA
I think an 11-year-old will find it fun, not boring or overwhelming. A lot of the techniques are similar to games. I guess it would depend on the kid, though, so I can’t really say for sure. If there is interest, I can say that he/she will definitely develop some habits that will stick with them throughout their lives to benefit their brain health and memory.
There were some teachers teaching things taught in the course to their students, and the students were responding well.
Just to pull up a couple of comments through a quick search in the Facebook group:
“I am a teacher and I taught the chain linking method to my year 7 students. They absolutely loved it and some of them even practised learning 20 words at a time!”
“After learning the BASIC ASSOCIATION technique which was taught to me on day 2, I being a teacher, taught that technique to my students. They really enjoyed learning that and they said, that they will use it daily to learn their lessons.”
If the content is too hard to understand for the child, the parent could definitely teach their child in a more appropriate kid-friendly way. This would be beneficial to both the parent and the kid. In fact, Jim Kwik often talks about how you should teach someone else what you learn because it helps you retain the information better.
Thank you for this 🙂
Hello Kari,
I’m interested in the Quest, but I do already have quite good memory. It’s more the focusing that I struggle with. I would love to learn languages faster, but I feel like this is more about exercising and repetition. What really spoke to me was the part about “Moving out of mental fatigue and into productivity”, as well as using my whole brain for learning rather than just a small portion of it . Also, I’m looking to go back to my studies and so I have a lot of information to catch up with and digest. So my question is: if I already have a good memory, would I still benefit from this Quest or would it be more beneficial to take a speed reading course ? How focused is this programme on clearing the mental fog and being able to handle lots of information rather than simply consisting on steps to remember lists or names ?
I hope this was clear enough…
Thanks in advance,
I know what you mean. Remembering stuff is useless if you can’t sit down and focus.
If your memory is good, then keep doing what you are doing. Superbrain may have some extra tips and tricks to help with memorization, but it’s not really about clearing mental fog. There is a day on overcoming procrastination and there are some points about brain health – such as stress management, thinking more positive thoughts, and diet, but that’s not enough to warrant taking the whole program, which is mostly focused on tricks to strengthen your memory.
Jim Kwik has a quest coming out in September, as far as I’ve heard, on Speedreading. I have to assume that focus will be a huge part of the quest since speedreading requires focus. I’ll be taking the course for sure because I have the Quest All Access Pass, so while I can’t say for sure whether or not it will help focus, I will be able to after I’m done it.
Honestly, for focus, I would more recommend The M Word (or a similar meditation program) which helps you become more present and mindful or even The Habit of Ferocity (I just finished that quest), which focuses on motivation and grit – the things that keep you focused and on track.
Also, look up cold showers and focus. Jim talks about cold showers in Superbrain and it’s been mentioned in another course I’ve taken as being good for releasing hormones that have a positive influence on focus, among other things that will still benefit focus. 🙂
thanks for the review…it’s been very helpful!
I simply wanted to ask about the course structure:
30 days and 1 video released every day, am I right?
I see that the course is divided in 8 parts (topics?) + 4 bonus videos…I’m just wandering how are these 12 parts spread out between 30 days…
Is there any info you could share about this?
Hi Michele,
Yes, there are 30 days total for the Superbrain content, and one video is released each day. After the quest is over (and all 30 days are open) you have permanent access to all the entire quest.
Days 31-34 are bonus video days. They are also opened up one day at a time and remain open when you are done.
Thre are 5 warm-up days, and those are open to you right away – before the quest begins.
Superbrain isn’t really divided into 8 parts. I’m not sure if that’s how they are promoting it, but it’s really just all about brain health and memory. There are different aspects of memory talked about, such as remembering numbers, languages, names, but it’s not divided into parts. It’s just a day by day thing and sometimes techniques from previous days are brought into the equation.
Hi Kari,
I loved your review about the course. I actually wanted to go for this and after reading your review, I have become more certain to take up this course. But the only drawback is, it’s a bit expensive for me. I have just graduated from college and started working and as of now can’t afford the course. Is there a way I can access it somewhere else or get it somewhere else without paying this hefty amount. I am really interested in the course as I feel it would uplift my career too.
I would suggest going to That’s his site. He has a podcast you can listen to and some articles to read. You can also find links to his social media and follow him for all things Jim Kwik. 😉
Will you recommend for someone that is trying to improve logic and reasoning for the LSAT?
I wouldn’t. Superbrain isn’t about logic and reasoning. It’s about memory. It can impact your brain health positively and may indirectly help you improve logic and reasoning, but that’s not what the quest is about.
Hi kari
This is an amazing blog that i have seen you gave reply to each and every question briefly so, i had a question for you i am going through online courses right now it is tough for me to remember each and every thing from the video does this quest helps me to remember the things that were taught in the videos or else is it somewhat similar to speed reading quest.
Hi Narsing,
There are a few crossovers between the Speed Reading quest and the Superbrain quest – such as giving things your full attention – but Superbrain’s focus is mostly on memory and a little on brain health.
You learn a ton of little tricks to remember things, especially things you just watched or learned. For instance, if you want to remember certain points from a video, there are a few different things that Jim teaches that will help you do that. And, Jim teaches one thing that can help you tie in point after point after point in whatever you are learning. So, yeah, it can totally help you remember the things you were taught.
I’ve also found that since the quest, I’ve created many unique ways to remember things, inspired by Jim’s techniques. But, I still use a lot of his big ones to remember things.
Thank you kari for the reply
Hello. Kari. I just wanted to know if speed reading was also a part of the Superbrain quest. It not mentioned on the website but, I have read a lot of reviews of people saying that their reading speed has improved.
Thank you
Hi Raveena, On day 34 there is a bonus included on Speed Reading. He does cover most of the things he talks about in his speed reading quest on Mindvalley.
So, yes, there is one bonus day focused on his concepts behind reading faster that can help you read faster!
Hi Kari Im also interested on the super brain quest course , my worry is I may not be able to follow it everyday, Im working night shift it will be hard for me to concentrate when Im tired coming from work during the day, I am thingking to do it during my off days only, but if the course will be released everyday I might find myself behind on my learning schedule because I will likely skip some of the days and not finish the 30 days course.? Or you can you access it on your convinient time.? I have another question, the $350. Worth payment , they will give me password to access the study, can i share it with my husband, so that he can learn too?
You don’t have to finish the course in a 30-day period. That’s just a suggestion. You can do it on your own time.
You get one class released each day, but, once it’s open, it stays open indefinitely. So you can come back to it (or start it) anytime you want.
I have done a ton of Mindvalley quests, and I tend to do 1-3 classes per day… sometimes more. And, sometimes I’ve done 1 class every few days/week. It depends on my schedule, if there is something from the lesson I want to practice before I move on, and just my mood. But usually, I find doing a few classes in one day is perfect for me because I can quickly move on from one idea to the next. So you could pack in your classes on your days off, for sure.
Your husband just needs to access your Mindvalley dashboard and he can do it on his own time. That’s what my husband and I have done for years. He does his own studying schedule on his computer and I do it on mine.
I have a very difficult time visualizing things, would that be an issue for taking the course?
Would the course be able to improve my visualization skills?
There are other people who have had a hard time visualizing and got better with practice. The visualization is often very ‘out there’ or very personal, which makes it much easier to do. For instance, a purple elephant walking on a tightrope is pretty easy to visualize. He doesn’t use a purple elephant doing that, but a lot of the visualizations/associations are things easy to visualize that like.
I can tell you that my husband is not good at visualization at all. But he picked up a lot of it and with practice got better and better. So, yeah, you can improve your visualization skills with the course. You just got to put in the work and practice daily.
I suggest that you give it a try. It’s a 10-day refund policy, so you can cancel before the 10 days if you are not finding it easy. Day 2 and day 9 have visualization/association, so you will get a good taste of it.
Superbrain was a wonderful course. It’s what actually made me sign up for the all access pass that Mindvalley has. The quest taught me a lot, and I love the way they do their daily classes and put the material in. I love everything about Mindvalley. You really do get hooked on it when you start there. It’s like going to school, but a million times better. 😉
Who would have thought that school could be addicting? 🙂
Hi Kari, I just found your review and it has really motivated me to sign up for Superbrain or even the Mindvalley all-access pass. I saw you mention Jim’s own website and saw that he’s offering his own ‘Kiwk Recall Masterclass’. Is that the same thing as the Superbrain quest on Mindvalley?
Also, do you think that the All Access pass for Mindvalley is worth it for a fresh grad?
Thanks in advance!
I’ve never heard about it before, but I just checked it out and it sounds like they may be very similar. I would imagine that he would teach a lot of the same memory tricks because that’s what he knows – and it works. But it sounds like you get 12 hours worth of content, which is more than Superbrain. If my math is right, you get about 6.6 hours in Superbrain. Plus with the Kwik recall class you get some sort of conference recording and 12 Q&As. I can’t say for sure how similar or better/worse it is because I haven’t taken it, but it sounds good! Plus you can also get a speed reading course for an extra $100. Mindvalley does have a speed reading course by Jim Kwik too, so, again, I would imagine it’s very similar, but I can’t say whether it is better or worse or the same.
Yes, I think the all access pass is good for anyone. It will give you so many different tools for productivity, life, success, etc. I totally recommend it.
Why does it look like
That u r mindlvalley employee and just writing testimonials for them
Not a single con from u
And all the reviews only for Mindvalley
Doesnt sound like an authentic person’s review to me.
I’ve already answered your concerns in an article at the start of this year. You can read that here: My Reviews Are Honest Reviews Of My Experiences.
If you want to know how to spot actual fake reviews, I’ve written my thoughts about that too here: How I Spot A Fake Review
Nice review you have given but what about people who does programming.
Would it somehow actually help them in this particular field?
If yes then how?
I don’t really know what programming would entail. I haven’t seen anyone say they have used it for programming. I’m sure it would work as it’s about memory in general – not in one area of life or the other.
I can read BUT struggle to remember and always have a problem when an exam or test is involved 🙁 is this course something that will help me ?
Absolutely. You are going to learn tricks to remember things and strengthen your memory if you do the work and practice what he teaches.
I did google help for adults with a learning disability and this did pop up ! I’m very leery BUT so so desperate for help .
Jim Kwik talks about having a learning disability when he was young. He was actually called the boy with the broken brain. Now his memory is great and he speed reads. Memory is definitely a skill that needs to be trained up. I don’t know what kind of learning disability you are dealing with, but it’s worth a try to try and train up your memory and brain health. He also has a podcast that you might be interested in: