Last Updated on June 3, 2024 by Kari
You want to be happier in life or get your life on track, and you’ve heard that Lifebook is a system to create your ideal life vision and then work towards it. I’m here to tell you that it’s true. Lifebook is popular for a reason. It has helped many people change the course of their life and find purpose and passion.
The Lifebook Online process taught me more about myself – and it made one thing very, very clear to me – you will never stop updating your life book as you grow and change in your life.
Here’s my first-hand Lifebook Online review if you are interested in taking the program.
Note: There are a few different aspects to the Lifebook program, so to make it clear, this is the course I’m reviewing here. It’s where everything begins with Lifebook.
What Is Lifebook To Me?
The Lifebook quest helps you dig into each area of your life and figure out your current beliefs, what you want, and how you can get there.
After you are done digging into each category of life and filling out the information required, you have a vision of life and how you want it inside something called a life book. (Just to be clear because I’ve been asked about this: Jon and Missy call what you are creating a Lifebook – one word like a cookbook – but to me, Lifebook is the name of the course that you enroll in and when you finish the course you end up with a Life Book. But, you call it whatever you want! ;))
Your life book contains a combination of all the thoughts, visions, strategies, and beliefs you have around each area of your life.
It’s a book about your life and what you want most.
I’ve found myself updating my life book at least every 6 months since I took the program.
My life plan has changed since I started Lifebook, so the older visions I had in certain categories are no longer relevant. And, some specific visions in specific categories I’ve accomplished, so I’ve needed to expand the scope of what I want.
And when something big has happened, such as a job loss, I’ve updated my life book much sooner than expected.
Jon and Missy make it clear that you will be working on your life book for the rest of your life. But, after your initial experience with Lifebook you will have a book about your life that you can refer to as you move through your life. You will have a life vision that is more relevant to you than anything you likely have now.
I’ve found my life book is a great motivator when I feel like giving up on certain things. Reflecting on what I wanted when I was excited and motivated can help bring back that excitement again. And, updating certain things can reignite the fire to go after what I want.
Lifebook Online Will Help You Redefine Your Goals
It’s obvious that this year has a lot of people rethinking their priorities and taking up new interests.
The pandemic, protests, and strong emotions are shifting the way people interact with the world. They are also shifting the way we look at ourselves! This is why Lifebook Online is great for 2020 and beyond!
Lifebook Online will help you get a hold of your thoughts and what you really want from your life. It will help you to break away from the news and what people are telling you should be and get a hold on yourself and what you really want.
Things may have changed a lot since the beginning of the year for you, and that’s OK. Lifebook can help you figure out what you want to embrace, despite any changes that have happened, and help you redefine your goals.
How Lifebook Online Works: Evaluating The 12 Key Categories Of Life
There are 12 Lifebook categories covered in this course. Some people call them 12 dimensions, but they are just 12 areas of life that most of us deal with and need to work on in order to have the life we want.
The 12 categories of life that Lifebook focuses on are:
- Health and fitness
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Character
- Spiritual
- Love relationship
- Parenting
- Social
- Career
- Financial
- Quality of life
- Life vision
In Lifebook Online you focus on two categories of life per week, for a total of 12 Lifebook categories (12 areas of life) covered in 6 weeks. So, for example, in week 5 you focus on your financial life and career.
Note: While Lifebook focuses on the main 12 categories of life, there is an official Lifebook category 13. If you move on with your Lifebook journey to the mastery program and Lifebook membership, then you will get that as a bonus in your warm-up session. It’s about sex, romance, and passion, which Jon and Missy Butcher think are very important.
In each Lifebook category, there is a video where Jon Butcher delves deeper into the topic and helps you create a premise, vision, purpose, and strategies. He gives you about 8 minutes per area to fill in your Lifebook template, but I ended up just pausing the video and spending a lot of time working on mine and then going back to the video.
In each Lifebook category, you get a template to fill in, as well as quotes and pictures to help you create your life book. I thought this was totally cool and found the quotes inspiring and a lot of the pictures fitting for my life book.
I used the Word template that Lifebook provided for the first few weeks, but then I noticed a lot of people were using Canva and I thought I would give it a try. I found it easy to use and I could create a visual life book that I liked looking at easily.

Other people were writing their life books out by hand or even drawing their life books.
What I learned quickly is that it’s up to you how you want to create your life book. There are no specific rules when you are making a book about YOUR life.
A Quick Peek Into The Actual Lifebook Course On Mindvalley
Just a quick video to show you what the course looks like.
Does Lifebook Really Work?
Every year I’m amazed at how people have changed their lives through Lifebook.
When I first started with Lifebook, my review was one of the only real reviews online. Now, when you take the program, you will hear a ton of people giving their testimonials during the live sessions with Jon and Missy. You probably won’t find their reviews online because they are not bloggers or writers or YouTubers, but believe me, Lifebook has worked for them and changed their lives.
If you take Lifebook, you will see and hear the stories and be inspired by them and there will be no doubt in your mind that Lifebook works to change your perspectives, habits, and life.
Why I Think Lifebook Online Should Be One Of The First Programs You Take No Matter What Month Or Year It Is
Both Jon and Missy Butcher (Jon Butcher does the Lifebook material, but they both are present in the Q&As) help you do something that can really change your life in Lifebook. They help you get clear on who you are, who you want to be, and what your ideal vision of life would look like.
They also provide a structure that has worked for them and all the Lifebook students they have brought in, and that structure is what helps you move through each Lifebook category and build your life vision.
That’s priceless. Because, when you get clear on your life vision, you can follow up with targeted programs or books to help you move toward your life vision.
For example, if you don’t know what limiting beliefs you hold around relationships, and you don’t have a strong purpose behind getting a good relationship or even a vision of what a good relationship is for you, then programs or books on relationships may or may not be of much interest to you, let alone help you. But, if you take Lifebook and realize that you have a limiting belief (or two or three) around relationships and it’s holding you back from the relationship you want, then you can go out and take programs or buy books that help you overcome that limiting belief. You can work on it.
My point is that Jon Butcher’s Lifebook Online helps you understand the gap between your current beliefs around each area of your life and what you want to believe in each area of your life. Lifebook has a perfect structure in place for you to discover it.
And once you realize what you want and what’s holding you back, you can go ahead and start taking courses and reading books and doing things that help you create the life you really want – the life you have outlined in your Lifebook.
The Pace Of Lifebook Online Was Perfect For Me
Some people were saying that Lifebook Online was moving too fast for them. But, a lot of people were OK with that. They were doing the program at their own pace, knowing that they would have access to the program later on.
For me, I enjoyed the pace and was able to keep up. I would say that each week I spent about 3 hours listening to the two videos, 2 hours working on my life book, and around 1.5 hours watching the webinar with Jon and Missy. So, in total, about 6.5 hours per week actively engaging in Lifebook Online.
Plus, I spent a ton of time thinking about the Lifebook categories each week.
I reflected a ton on my life in this program… much more than I did in the condensed Lifebook quest the first time around.
Lifebook Online Goes Deep
I think the reason I spent more time reflecting on this program than I did in the condensed Lifebook quest is that it’s much deeper. You spend more time defining your beliefs around each category and thinking about what’s true for you and what’s not.
Plus, the Lifebook tribe on the Facebook page was so active with a lot of deep questions and insight. It was awesome to be able to interact with people who were so involved in the same program as you are.
I also found that people were really honest in this Lifebook tribe and shared things without worry of judgment – such as not wanting kids in the parenting category or relationship concerns and issues in the relationship category.
You Can Add Your Own Lifebook Categories
All Lifebook reviews talk about the 12 categories of life focused on in Lifebook and how they dug into them. That’s because the 12 categories of life covered in the program are all pretty relevant to most people’s lives. (As well as Lifebook category 13.)
But I found that some of Lifebook’s 12 categories of life were actually not relevant to me.
For instance, if you are not planning on having kids, like me, then the parenting aspect might be something you are not interested in because you already have a pretty clear vision… I’m not having kids. It just didn’t pertain to me, despite what Jon and Missy said about it pertaining to everyone in some way.
I also added in a few categories of my own, such as creativity and contribution. Some other people were doing that as well.
I’m sure as I move through life, I may add a few more categories to my life book.
There Are Weekly Calls To Answer Questions About The Previous Categories
Jon and Missy did live weekly calls to talk about the categories of life covered in the previous week. While this was going on, Jon’s father got sick and they had to travel to the Philippines. Yet, they never missed a call. It just got pushed back by about 5 hours because of their travel plans.
Even when Jon stayed in the Philippines and Missy went home, they were there for the live call. They even showed up when they were on the live call at 5 am (by my calculation).
The point is, Jon and Missy were totally dedicated to being there and answering questions. And the moderator on the webinar made sure that the most popular questions were asked.
Because I took the live version of Lifebook Online, the videos I watched will be the pre-recorded calls that you will be given each week if you take Lifebook Online.
Update May 2020: Now they have 3 pre-recorded calls for you to watch each week, which means over 3 hours worth of Q&As per category. That’s insane. They just keep adding the latest live Q&A sessions into your Lifebook course so that you don’t miss out on anything. In short, there’s a ton of material to go through.
Note: Lifebook Online goes through a live version twice a year and if you join that live version you can participate in the live Q&As. The live versions of Lifebook start in January and July (sign up in late December and June to attend these).
Update October 2020: There are now 4 pre-recorded calls to watch in each category of Lifebook. That’s about 4 hours worth of content! I’m assuming that when they do the next live session in January 2021, there will be 5 calls to watch in each category. What this means is that if you have a question, there is a good chance you will find it in one of the coaching calls. But combing through 4 hours’ worth of content isn’t feasible for most people, so they labeled all the questions with timestamps so that you can easily go straight to it.
The Downsides To Lifebook
There are not a lot of cons to Lifebook. But I’ve noticed a few as I’ve gone through the Lifebook program, and I know that Jon and Missy Butcher have mentioned a few things in their webinars. So here are some things to consider.
No Lifebook Binder
First, I get a lot of questions about this (and people get pretty disappointed with the answer) so I figured I might as well add this to my Lifebook review.
There is no Lifebook binder. I think they used to offer their Lifebook participants binders a long time ago, but those days are gone. I know that there are still pictures out there with people holding the Lifebook binder. I think even the Mindvalley staff have a picture with the Lifebook binder. But, it’s not offered with the Lifebook course. If you really want a binder for your life book, then buy one that resonates with you.
Must Commit To Doing The Work
Second, if you don’t do the work, you will lose out on your life.
This program helps you take a step-by-step journey through your life, but if you don’t do the work, it doesn’t matter how many videos you listen to, your life won’t be impacted.
That’s what I found Lifebook Online to be all about – me… or you.
This isn’t something where other people will help you either. You are going to have your own unique visions in Lifebook and you are going to need to do the writing and creating throughout the Lifebook program. I doubt there are any two life books out there that look the same because we all value different things and want different things in life, and this program helps you understand that it’s OK to be unique, want what you want, and go after what you want.
Problems Are Going To Pop Up
I really like this con of Lifebook, so it’s not really a con for me, but it’s something some people may not expect or like.
Jon Butcher says that you can’t bring a ton of consciousness into your life – as you go through the Lifebook process – and not expect problems to pop up. This is so true!
I’ve found that as I’ve figured out what I want in life, there seem to be more obstacles in the way of getting there. I’ve figured out that the problems arise because you are doing more and attempting more and trying more and changing things… and all of that doesn’t come easily. There are hurdles, learning processes, struggles, and decisions to be made along the way.
So, it’s not just like you create your Lifebook, and then life is perfect. You are going to have to take action and run into problems as you go after what you want.
But, I enjoy solving problems. I think it can be frustrating to run into a problem, but it also makes life interesting and helps you grow as you work through the problem. Plus, it’s fun to come up with a solution and overcome a problem in your life. It feels good – as if you won some sort of contest. At least, that’s how I look at it.
Tip: Srikumar Rao, in the Personal Mastery quest, says to imagine that you are an engineer going through life and having to figure out how to build a road through forests, swamps, and mountains as a part of your job. He says that you are responsible for building this road and obstacles (problems) will arise, but there is always a way around, over, or under them.
Some Things That May Affect Your Experience With Lifebook Online Negatively
- I noticed that right from the start there were some people who found Jon Butcher annoying or didn’t resonate with him in some way. This was a hindrance to their experience with Lifebook, and I’m sure it would be to yours as well. I found him a little annoying when he was with Missy on the webinar calls, but I was able to look past it because I was so focused on thinking about my life book.
- If you’ve done a lot of work into your life and know what you want out of every area of life, then Lifebook may seem redundant. A few people felt that way. I’ve done a ton of personal development work. I even took the condensed Lifebook Quest before Lifebook Online, but I found that I needed this refresher about my life, what I want, and what I’m capable of. Jon and Missy Butcher even talk about that during the webinar calls. They say that they update their life books every so often depending on what is happening and what changes are occurring in their life. I found it valuable to rethink my life and what I want and change some things up.
Lifebook Online Will Help With The Ho-Hums
I’ve talked about this before in my other Lifebook review, and it still applies to this one.
If you are bored with life or not excited about life, then Lifebook Online can help.
If you would rather go back in time than look forward to your future, Lifebook Online can help.
Lifebook helps you to get excited about your life and what you are doing on a day-to-day basis. You start to visualize a happy, fulfilling future as you go through this program, and you get really clear on what that looks like.
Is There An Age Restriction For Taking Lifebook Or Creating A Life Book?
When Jon and Missy Butcher were asked this question in a webinar, they said that Lifebook may not be best for young people. They said that young adults can benefit from it, but people who are too young may find it a bit too much to deal with.
They did say if you have a mature 16 or 17-year-old, then they can probably take Lifebook. But, they figure that 18 is a pretty safe age for someone to take the quest.
I think it’s just about awareness. A younger kid is not going to understand why having clarity around your life is important; moreover, they are not going to have any life experience to draw from that helps them figure out what they want and who they are.
But, those are just my thoughts. Everyone is different and I’ve known some extremely mature teens in my time, so I think you need to use your own judgment.
Jon and Missy Butcher also said that there is no such thing as too old to start creating your life book. This is because Lifebook is about getting conscious about what you want and what you need to do to achieve that, and life doesn’t stop just because you are aging. You always want something and you always need to do something to get what you want.
There’s No Reason Not To Try Lifebook Online
The program is easy to follow, but life-changing if you do the work. With the refund option, there really is no reason not to try Lifebook Online if you are interested.
I’m so excited to move forward with Lifebook, as I’m going to be taking the Mastery program next. The Lifebook Online program had a huge impact on my life, and I believe that the Mastery program will be the cherry on top.
If you have any questions about something I did or didn’t cover in my Lifebook Online review, please ask in the comments below.
Make sure you take the free masterclass as it gives you an idea of what Jon and Missy are about and what they can help you do. If you are on the fence about taking Lifebook Online, the masterclass will definitely help you make a decision.
You can also learn more about the course here, as well as more about Jon and Missy. That page is also the enrollment page.
How did you dedicate yourself to doing what you needed to do each week in Lifebook? I’m pretty busy and I can’t stay on a strict schedule because my routine is constantly changing. Will I still have access to the Lifebook program if I don’t finish within the six weeks? Thanks.
Honestly, it was easy because I was excited about getting clear on my life vision. I easily made time for it.
You do sound busier than me, but I think if you get any downtime during the week, and you are motivated to figure out what you want in life, then you are going to use that time towards Lifebook without a problem.
Also, in the Facebook group, there are always people teaming up to be accountability partners. I’m sure you could find someone to hold you accountable each week if that would help motivate you.
If you don’t finish all the work within the six weeks you don’t get to take advantage of the refund. And if you don’t refund, you get to keep the course in your Mindvalley account forever. If you do refund, you lose access to the course.
Even if you do finish within the six weeks you may find that you want to keep the course and go on with Lifebook in more detail. But, don’t stress out about that. I found too many people were stressing out about things they didn’t need to stress out about when I took it and it affected their ability to concentrate on creating a Lifebook that resonated with them. Just watch the videos with Jon, do the work, and focus on what you are doing at the moment. It will totally pay off if you do.
Any other questions, please ask.
Could you do Lifebook Online as a couple? Is there any discussion or instruction about this— do they suggest each partner creating their own but sharing with their partner, or do they suggest creating one life vision together, or offer options and choices based on the dynamics in your relationship? I’m interested in how my husband and I might do this together and curious about how they manage that.
Jon and Missy talk about the power of the couple quite a bit. In short, it’s a good thing to take the course together.
In one of their Q&As, they talk about what happens if your spouse does not want to do Lifebook with you, and they say: It can cause problems because one person can outgrow the other and that’s when negative emotions and problems come in.
They say that Lifebook is one of the best tools a couple can have because you are going to the highest level of consciousness you can possibly go to and expressing your truth with yourself and each other. And that is so true!
To better answer your question, in another Q&A someone asked how you go about doing Lifebook as a couple if you are doing it together and here’s Jon’s response: This is the best thing you could ever do for your relationship because 90% of the problems that a couple will encounter in their relationship will be because they are not on the same page in one or more of these areas of life. Lifebook gives you a platform that opens discussions that help you get on the same page in every area of life. So, if you are going through this as a couple, prepare for the most profound experience you’ve ever had.
And they both say that you will have profound conversations. You will have separate Lifebooks – and you will each create your own ideal life vision because you are two different people – but at the end of the day, you will come together and share your Lifebooks and uplevel your relationship.
Even if you are pretty much on the same page, differences will likely pop out. For instance, your ideal spiritual practice may consist of meditation and prayer whereas your husband’s spiritual practice may consist of church or nature retreats. But, at the end of the day, you will know each other better and find yourself on the same page in the big areas of life – financial, parenting, etc.
So, in short, they suggest that you work on your own Lifebook but come together for collaboration and a lot of profound conversations.
And, honestly, you can do what works best for you. My husband and I are on the same page for almost all categories. Our Lifebooks look very similar and they could almost be one! But, I enjoy having my own personalized version of my ideal life – also known as my own Lifebook.
I also want to add that they do go into this question in more detail in the first coaching call. So, you will come out of the first week knowing what direction you want to go in as a couple in Lifebook.
Hola Kari, buenos días. Ingrid desde Chile. Muy interesante lo que nos compartes. Estoy intetesada en este curso, pero todavía no lo compro. Respecto al tema de pareja, tendría que comprar 2 cursos?
No. You just need to buy one course and you can do it separately. Jon and Missy are huge advocates for doing the course as a couple, so I highly recommend it!
Hello, is it possible to make a break during the course and continue later (while not losing the option of refund)? I will be going to summer camp as a counsellor for 2 weeks and it is pretty hard to find a stable connection there as it is in nature. After and before that, I will make time to do the course without a problem. Thank you 🙂
If you want the refund, you have to finish the course in the 6 weeks they allot. So, if you take a break from it and don’t finish within the allotted time, you will lose the option for the refund, but you will be able to keep the course for life and do it at your own pace.
Plus, you can move into the next part of Lifebook called Lifebook Mastery. That’s what happens if you don’t take advantage of the refund at the end of the 6 weeks – you get to move onto the next part for an extra dollar (at least that’s what it cost when I did it) which is pretty awesome. So, for $501 USD you get access to Lifebook Online, where you create your Lifebook, and Lifebook Mastery, where you learn how to start taking action on your Lifebook.
Is it possible to follow the program in mobile phone? I will be traveling for a week and wont bring my laptop.
Yes. The Mindvalley app lets you access all programs in your Mindvalley account, including Lifebook Online. You can watch the videos and access the rest of the information. But, I would suggest bringing a new notebook and creating your Lifebook (or an outline for your Lifebook) in that notebook based on the templates provided. That way you don’t have to worry about downloading anything to your phone and trying to work with a small area of space.
Hi Kari,
I was wondering do you know how often life book runs? Monthly? I just came accross it and realised I’ve just missed out on it- started July 1st. I’m in 2 minds if I should register or wait till the next one? Also do you know if it’s $500 on offer, or is that the normal price?
Thank you for the review, it’s do helpful!
I have seen Lifebook Online open continuously where it starts every month. It seems to be closed right now, though, but keep your eyes open for it opening back up.
The one that started this week is similar to the session that they did last January – the one I was in. It includes live calls with Jon and Missy and, because Mindvalley was focusing on promoting it this go around through so many different ways, a lot more students than would randomly be there throughout month to month when they are not actively focusing on it as the program of the month at Mindvalley.
In short, if you want to do it with the live calls with Jon and Missy, I would wait until December for enrollment. I can’t guarantee it will be live or actively promoted. I honestly don’t know. But, I would bet that gearing up for the new year would be a time where something like Lifebook would be a course they are focusing on promoting for setting new visions and goals. That’s what they did last December.
And, it’s always $500 for the refund option. I’ve never seen it higher or lower.
Hi, I have been wondering about doing this, but I’ve been struggling with ill health for the past several years, and I’m really struggling with setting goals and picturing the life that I want because there are so many things I’m suddenly unable to do. I’ve listened to a couple interviews about Lifebook, but this angle wasn’t addressed. I’m curious- did you see people with chronic illnesses who were taking the course and finding it valuable? Thanks!
If you are struggling with visualizing the life you want, then Lifebook can help no matter what’s going on in your life.
I have hypothyroidism and part of my vision is to choose to do things daily that have a positive impact on my health and have a strong, healthy thyroid. I can say that those two visions in mind have kept me actively looking for ways to become healthier and I’ve been consistently thinking about becoming healthier and trying out new things for my health since Lifebook.
There was one girl who actually got diagnosed with Chronic Myeloma Leukemia during the course. She said a lot in her post, including this: “LifeBook has become even more important to me as I start to catch-up. It is important for me to state what kind of life I want to live ideally with clarity and take the necessary steps towards that vision, whatever those steps might look like, however big or small.”
I understand what you are saying about not being able to do things that you probably could do before, and that’s why it’s important to get clear going forward. It’s important to let go of the old visions that may not be working for you anymore and develop new ones in line with who you are now and where you want to be.
Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to me Kari! I appreciate the encouragement and the response is very helpful :).
Great review! 🙂
How many times can you take the pre-assesment test and if there are other tests as well? I know there is one at first and one in the end to see how well are you doing, but I am curious if I can take these tests more then once and what is the limit?
I usually do it like I am right now but as a part of a releasing practice I also like to choose things I “would want to be” etc (to describe it as best), to see, what that comes up as. I know it’s weird, but I have used this method before too, in order to step out of the me but also see the bullshit I believe in 🙂
You can take it as many times as you want. And all of your results are kept in a dashboard area. I have 4 assessments logged there spanning from March 2018 to April 2019.
There are no other tests.
It’s not weird. I like that approach.
Hi Kari,
Are you an affiliate for Lifebook?
Yes, I am an affiliate for Mindvalley. You can read my disclosure here.
Thank you for your real review. I found some other good articles and reviews about Lifebook, but more often than not articles or reviews are written like sales pages or as if the program is too good to be true. We need honest affiliates out there like you who have actually taken the programs or used the products they are promoting.
I have watched the masterclass and I’m one of the people that Jon annoys. There’s something about him that irks me. But I’ll do what you did and focus on myself, not on him. 😉
Do you know when Lifebook will be open again?
Thank YOU. I really needed to hear that today.
As I said to someone else, I would be taking these courses if I wasn’t an affiliate, but I’m glad I get to be an affiliate for programs and products that have the potential to change people’s lives and even impact the world in a positive way. I’ve always felt like my purpose is to help create a happier and healthier world in a variety of ways and this is one great way to do that!
No, I haven’t heard anything about when it will open up again. Just keep checking because Mindvalley has a way of closing and opening up things without any kind of announcement.
Hi. I did their free webinar 2 days ago and was given the option to sign up for Lifebook Online that starts August 6th. Hope that helps.
I am really thinking about getting the LifeBook, and I want to make clear goals. I would like to share my doubts.
I am in a transitional phase where I am waiting for an American student Visa and I’ve been wanting to go there since I was a kid.
Since the time is coming closer to my departure I’ve been questioning myself is that good for me, is that what I really want. And how would I know that if I have never been there?
Is Life Book answering and guiding through processes like that?
Wow, that’s cool. Yes, I think Lifebook will help you with those questions. You will end up creating a life vision for yourself and you will have a much clearer answer on whether or not going to America is right for you and fits into the vision of where you want to be in life.
Hi Kari, thank you for your great review;)
Tomorrow I will start with Lifebook online and I`m really exited.
During the six weeks, is there any offer to buy the black leather folio which you can see in any given Lifebook ad?? I want one of these…;))
Thank you for sharing your experience.
No. At least not when I took the quest. BUT, a lot of other people want the official-looking Lifebook binder too, so maybe they will offer it in the future if enough people keeping mentioning it.
Thanks and have fun creating your personal visions. 🙂
Does the Lifebook Online quest start once per month? I noticed in an earlier comment you weren’t sure, but maybe things have changed. I just want to know if I would have to wait for months if I don’t do it this month. Honestly, I’m thinking about starting Lifebook in December if possible to get my 2020 on track!
Yes, I’ve been noticing that Lifebook Online has been having a few start dates per month lately. For instance, this month (November) one cohort started on the 4th and it looks like the next cohort will start on the 18th.
In short, you can pretty much take the quest whenever you want to take it. It’s an extremely popular quest on Mindvalley, so I’m sure it’s going to be around for years to come.
If you want to be done the first part before 2020, the 18th of November is probably when you should start as the program is 6 weeks long. And if you decide to move on to Lifebook Mastery, then you will be doing that quest in January and the beginning of February.
Hey! What info is needed to get the $500 refund? How do they prove that you actually “did the work”? Also, who do I need to email? I’m so confused and cannot find any info about it on the online course’s website… :/ I’m at the end of Week 6 at Lesson 19 and trying to figure out how to get the $500 back..
You should have gotten an email that has a link where you can choose to take the refund or not. On that form, you get all the information about what you should have done and how to get the refund. There’s no information that you need to give unless they want proof that you finished the course and did the work – but that’s up to them.
If you haven’t gotten that email – and other people have already, I would contact Mindvalley pronto.
Hello thank you for writing this review. It’s funny you answered the question about Jon being annoying as that was my partner’s reaction. You’ve covered all the bases. I have another couple question. Can you purchase one copy of lifebook and do it with your partner or do you both need to purchase a copy in order to do it properly. I wondered if you can make a photocopy of the pages and one of you do them by hand. Thank you!
Lol. I wonder how many people find him annoying?
No, just buy the one copy of Lifebook for the both of you. That’s all you need. You can even sign into your Mindvalley dashboard on different computers and work on your Lifebook at your own time if you want.
You can download and print out the templates. Or you can just download the templates to one computer twice to each have your own worksheet. There is a windows template and a Mac template for each category. You can also download the quotes and photos for each category and work on your Lifebooks separately. Or, you can write the template questions with your answers down in your own journal or notebook and work on it that way.
You’ll see once you are in there, it’s really easy to create your own Lifebook when taking the course with someone else. There’s a bunch of different ways to work with the information provided and work on your Lifebooks.
Make sure you join the tribe on Facebook as you will get inspiration from people who are doing it in a way that resonates with them.
Does anyone know how often this program is offered every year? The next one is starting in January 2020, but I am dealing with the possibility of losing a family member by then.
Yes, Alan.
They have offered the Lifebook program every month this year (one start date per month) and will likely continue to do it in 2020. So, if you want to wait until February or March to sign up to it, that will be fine.
Also, keep in mind that Mindvalley puts an emphasis on the Lifebook quest starting in January as well as starting in July. This means that more students will be participating because these sessions are live – which means you can participate with the live Q&A webinars with Jon and Missy rather than watching the pre-recorded webinars that are offered most months. It gives you a chance to connect with them, which is pretty cool.
But, most months students get access to pre-recorded webinars, and they are always very good. Most people have the same questions you do, so things you are concerned about tend to get answered in these calls. And anything that doesn’t can be discussed in the Lifebook tribe on Facebook.
Whenever you decide to take the program, you can check the information page to see if it says ‘Live Weekly Coaching Calls With Jon & Missy’ or not just to make sure. But, if you sign up in December or June, you are likely signing up for the live version of Lifebook.
I got a seven in all of my life areas, I’m happy with my life and know what I want. The trouble for me is that I have trouble getting there, knowing what steps to take in all the areas I want to move forward with., I’m overwhelmed with all the things I want to do, and I am creeping forward (happily), making slow progress, because my life has so many facets at once. Will this program help me take action more efficiently? I like being intuitively guided, it works for me. I don’t want to push my happy river into a plan. What do you think?
Lifebook Online does a deep dive into what you really want out of life (a life vision), so it may help you drill down and discover where you really want to put your energy and focus, and, therefore, help you let go of those things that you want to do but don’t have time for. It can help you prioritize and stop the overwhelm that comes from trying to do too many things at once.
It also helps you create a strategy to get from where you are to where you want to be. You dig into how you will bring your vision into reality and decide which habits, attitudes, and action steps you will implement.
If you live by intuition, then you might resist the strategy section, which is exactly the part that could help you to get to where you want to go.
If you are willing to do the work over the 6 weeks, you can always take it and see if it offers you anything and then take the refund if it doesn’t.
The course after Lifebook Online, called Lifebook Mastery, is focused on fine-tuning what you want to accomplish over the next day, week, quarter, and year. It also focuses on developing habits that move you towards your life vision, a mentality that helps you achieve your life vision, and a plan of measuring your progress. In short, if you do what they say, it can help with that overwhelm. But, again, someone who lives by intuition may not enjoy the structure that Jon and Missy teach.
Hi Kari what a great review & so refreshing. I myself have been trying so many programs to get into Affiliate Marketing & all failed as they ended up being useless & unfortunately, untruthful so I can see when a review is just a copy & paste from the vendor. Lifebook looks really interesting & I’m signed up to watch the masterclass Tuesday….I think that I have a good idea of most of the areas in my life so will be interesting if I get to take the opportunity to do the course what comes up for me. Thank you & btw I don’t have a problem with Jon but will see if I get to do the course….lol!
I was just talking to my husband today about how many people are affiliates for things they haven’t even tried or taken, and how obvious it is to me that they are usually just rewriting the sales letter or using a premade ‘review’ from a product creator. 🙄 But, they often use headlines like ‘scam’ or ‘coupon’ or ‘savings’ that pulls people in, because everyone wants to save if they can… even I want to save. Of course, they usually don’t actually offer any kind of saving.
🙂 I can handle Jon talking in his videos and on his own. But, many people, including me, have an issue during the Q&A webinars. Jon and Missy are sitting really close together and Jon turns his head completely towards her and stares at her, which just looks so unnatural and uncomfortable, especially for someone like me who doesn’t like people in my space. I suppose you can tell they really love each other though.
Have fun with it!
I guess I missed the deadline to register for Lifebook Online. Is there a way I can get in now. It says that the offer has ended on the sales page.
Yeah, they only give you about five days to sign up after you initially show interest. I suggest you take the masterclass here and then wait for the offer to pop up. If you’ve taken the masterclass before and don’t want to watch it all the way through, then just let it run for a bit while you do something else and the offer to sign up will pop up again.
So I read it’s great to do lifebook as a couple but what was unclear is do I have to spent $1,000 dollars instead of $500 or is there away I can buy just one course and share with my spouse
Just buy one course and do it together. If you have two computers, you can log into Mindvalley separately and download the templates to your own computer and do the course that way. Or, you can just download everything twice on one computer. Or you can print off the templates and do it offline. There are many different ways to create your Lifebook as you go along, and you only need one course to do it together. 🙂
Just so you know, you can do this with all the courses on Mindvalley. My husband and I do many courses together on Mindvalley. We used to print everything the courses offered out, but now we sometimes just use notebooks or download documents to our separate computers.
Hello Kari,
Thank you so much for your article. I found it SO helpful. I really want to try Lifebook but I am a little skeptical. To be honest, the couple interaction I watched in the preview video gave me weird vibes…will I be watching this in all of the webinars? Which leads me to wonder if I could fully commit to that many hours of watching the duo. Super excited about the content though and looking to grow so maybe I tough it out?
thank you!
🙂 Soooo many people are saying that.
In the main videos, it’s just Jon. But, he’s still Jon. 😉 It’s just in the Q&As that Jon and Missy are together.
I think you will be fine. You have a great intent behind taking the course, so it should outshine the other stuff.
Awesome! Thank you so much Kari! I’m going to do it!
Woohoo! I hope you have a life-changing experience.
I signed up for the Lifebook course that begins January 6th. When will I receive the Lifebook binder?
They don’t give out a Lifebook binder with the Mindvalley course. I’m surprised they haven’t made that clear because a bunch of people were upset about that way back when I first took the course. I think they used to offer a Lifebook binder when they were offering Lifebook through their own site – or possibly just to people who came to their workshops – but they have never offered one through Mindvalley. You will have to create your own binder or way of keeping all your notes.
Hi Kari
Thanks for the useful review. Did you actually try to get a refund yourself? On review sites I read that it is not as easy as they state and that the award winning customer service team is often not responding on repeated customer attempts. Review sites actually show 2 types of ratings only: 5 stars and 1 star. And all the 1 stars are due to people having paid and not being able to log into the course or for them not being able to get back the promised refund. The 5 stars shows that the content is great, I guess. Would you know, for me as a user does it make a difference which country I put in the Billing address – I’ll be travelling across continents during the course and will start the course in a country that is not my main residence country so am a bit confused which country to put to be sure I can actually log into the course. For instance if they use different links for different VAT regions.. not sure which one to put.. the one where I start my course or the one of my residence? Furthermore is the billing address used to send users something physically – since it is an online course..
No, I didn’t get the refund. I went on to Lifebook Mastery.
But, I have seen a lot of people get their refund easily and a few people struggle. I’m not sure if those people are struggling because of their own accord, though. For instance, they aren’t requesting the refund in a way that they are supposed to request it.
The number of complaints I’ve seen in my Mindvalley travels is tiny compared to the number of people who have no complaints.
Keep in mind that people with complaints are much louder than people without complaints – I know I am. So they would be very vocal about the issues that they are having and they would be much easier to find online. 😉
But, if you have any problems, in my experience, Mindvalley always comes through and helps you. It can take a few days sometimes. I’m not sure if they don’t have a lot of staff or they just get that overwhelmed with emails and messages, but things don’t always happen as fast as we want them to. Maybe the people complaining are expecting things to happen faster and not giving Mindvalley time to help them?
Nothing is sent to Lifebook users through the mail. It’s all digital.
That’s an interesting question about what residence to put. I’ve never really thought about it. If you have a main residence, I would put that down. I think it’s really about your billing information more than them wanting to know where you live. If you are not totally sure what to do, I would contact Mindvalley. I wonder what they would say about it. If you do and get a moment, come back and let me know what they say.
Hi, I was just wondering if there was an age restriction to Lifebook. I’ve been poking around and I can’t seem to find younger people that might still be in college figuring out what they want to do in life in the first place.
No age restriction. In the tribe on Facebook, there are a lot of younger people, older people, and everything in between.
Hi Kari, I’m doing the program now, and thinking about LifeBook Mastery after this. I read you did that one too, can you please write a review about that too? Because I’m not sure yet whether it’s worth doing it or not.
Thank you so much.
Hi Jenneke, I’ve already written a review. 🙂 You can read my Lifebook Mastery review here.
I am from India and want to attend the life book. So is there timezone difference when I will be attending the class and also with regards to the guidance through the call. In this case , if I miss recorded call session by john and Missy then how that is going to affect refund policy.
Please guide asap since I am planning to attend the class in FEB 2020 month.
In February, you won’t be attending a live version of Lifebook, so there is nothing to worry about.
You take the classes when they open up to you in your Mindvalley Dashboard and you can watch the prerecorded Q&As at your leisure. There are 3 prerecorded Q&As for each week as of now because there have been 3 live Q&A calls over the past year. They are open as soon as the day with them inside opens up to you.
If you don’t take the refund… when the future live version of Lifebook comes up, you will be able to attend the live Q&A calls, and Mindvalley tells you when they will be according to your time zone. You just need to look in your Lifebook Online program and all the information will be in the appropriate days.
But, other than that, your classes will open up to you when Mindvalley opens them and you don’t need to worry about your time zone at all.
Hi can you tell me what are the milestones that you’ve reached so far after being a Lifebooker? Also, you said there are templates that need to fill up in each categories making up for a book.. can we have a hard copy of it? Like a printed one binded into a book? Just like we see in their promotions? Do we have that option to ask for a hard copy of what we just finished in Lifebook?
Thank you very much in advance for the response. I’ll be waiting.. 🙂
I have had some ups and downs since I created my Lifebook. You get a huge awareness around your life which brings a sense of motivation. But, I’ve found that part of the problem is that an immense sense of awareness around your life can overwhelm and stress you out if you are not planning things out and keeping things on track.
For instance, when you slack off and procrastinate in life, it can be really depressing because you have clearly defined what you want and who you are – and you are not actively working towards those things or living up to them. That depression leads to more procrastination and on and on it goes until you get can get out of the loop. I found that health problems can really spur on this negative cycle.
That said, I have had a ton of milestones that I wouldn’t have had without Lifebook. While I’ve learned that ignorance can be bliss sometimes, I would never trade the sense of awareness I’ve developed around my own life as it keeps me actively paying attention to my life and moving forward.
I have been completely changing up my health thanks to Lifebook. Over the years with my Lifebook, I have taken more of a deep dive into my physical and mental health than I ever have in my life. I’ve discovered a few issues I didn’t know about (and probably wouldn’t have found out about if I had been going on the same track), have been working on getting them in order, and take my physical and mental health extremely seriously knowing that it impacts the rest of my life. My health and fitness category is still a work in progress, but I have that vision of where I want to be and I’m working towards it.
There have been many discoveries in my career and financial life that I wouldn’t have had without creating the visions I created in Lifebook.
For instance, I did a complete 180 in a few areas of my career. Despite doing well in certain endeavors, I realized that they were not in line with my vision and I gained the courage to put my time on other things that were more rewarding for me – even if they were not as financially rewarding. Now, it’s paying off for me.
It’s a process, and as I’ve moved through my life and delved into my Lifebook, I’ve made discoveries and tweaks that produced breakthroughs that keep me moving forward in all areas of my life. I heavily focus on one area per month, just as Jon and Missy do, so that focus helps me improve that area for the year to come.
I’ve gained new habits in ALL areas of my life, which are milestones as they are the directors of your life. You will notice this too if you end up taking Lifebook.
As far as a hard copy, they don’t provide that. You get the templates in your course and you can print them off and bound them if you want to create your own book. There is no Lifebook binder as they show in the promotions. You create your own.
I am curious if there is a team of Mindvalley people that are trained to give this course locally in each teachers home city? I would love to do that.
I know they were working on creating something where people could be certified as Lifebook coaches. I haven’t heard anything about that going through yet. But, I imagine with the year it will happen. Right now it’s just through Jon and Missy and Mindvalley’s online course.
I’m wondering on what is asked as prove that you finished the course and made the work to get the refund?
They just want to see that you’ve gone through the videos, which is something they can see through their end, and that’s usually all the proof they need. If they feel that they need more, they usually just ask for a chapter of your Lifebook to see that you’ve gone through all the steps of filling it out.
Hi Kari,
I have one more question, please… I read that one of the readers above asked you about your milestones and you did answer that it has helped you a lot , but you mentioned the following also: “You get a huge awareness around your life which brings a sense of motivation. But, I’ve found that part of the problem is that an immense sense of awareness around your life can overwhelm and stress you out if you are not planning things out and keeping things on track.
For instance, when you slack off and procrastinate in life, it can be really depressing because you have clearly defined what you want and who you are – and you are not actively working towards those things or living up to them. That depression leads to more procrastination and on and on it goes until you get can get out of the loop. I found that health problems can really spur on this negative cycle”.
I got concerned because I can totally see what you said… Given the fact that they provide with such a large amount of information from which we get tons of insight about our personal life and many times that is exactly what leads to having that terrible sense of not knowing what to do with such so much stuff that we became aware of… and as you said that leads to stress… because when one does not know what to do with all of that, is too much information and can definitely leads to stress, which leads to procrastination (as you said it so well) and finally depression… and then the exact cycle you described… I have gone through that… My concern then is, Do they give tools during the Lifebook online course, so we don’t fall into that?. Or do they only help us find ourselves in those 12 areas, and then just leave us by ourselves with all of that sense of overwhelmingness? THanks again!!!
I’ve experienced this many times! It’s so stressful when you know what you should or could be doing and don’t do it. I say it to my husband all the time – ignorance truly is bliss sometimes, but, also, I don’t want to be ignorant.
In each category of Lifebook Online, you implement strategies that will help you reach your vision. You think about what you want to achieve and how you can achieve it. I created a lot of habits that I’ve slowly incorporated into my life. They really do help you get crystal clear on your visions in life which can stop that overwhelmed feeling because you know what you want and have an idea on how to get there.
The tools or strategies to put your vision into place come in the next part of the Lifebook program called Lifebook Mastery, which is what you move on to if you don’t take your refund.
BUT, I said it in that review – Jon and Missy talk about strategies and tools that are out there already. Productive people are already using them. Jon and Missy just help you understand them and implement them into your life in a way that works for them, which many Lifebookers find valuable.
In short, the whole Lifebook program is meant to support you all the way through and keep you accountable.
But, whether you go through the whole program or just do the first part, it all comes down to self-responsibility. We all just need to stop slacking off and procrastinating. It doesn’t matter how many tools you have or how much support and guidance you have, you need to get up and do it.
If you do end up getting the Quest All Access Pass, make sure to take Marisa Peer’s programs. They can help you convince yourself that you are not someone who slacks off or procrastinates and your actions will follow suit. Actually she can help you overcome any fear or worry you are having.
With Lifebook Online, I think once you get really excited about your business idea (I’m thinking you should come up with some ideas on what kind of business you want to build for yourself), then you will be motivated to do what you need to do and that will take care of any procrastination. Just Lifebook Online should give you a lot of clarity!
In any case, the alternative of taking the course is not taking it and not even trying to see what would happen, which is always worse than giving it a go and seeing where you land.
Yay!. I paid my Lifebook online course yesterday!. Thanks for all your help Kari! In your lifebook review you mention canva instead of using a word document to document the homework.. Did you have to purchase canva or did you use the free online canva version?.
That’s awesome Lily. Thanks for all your comments and questions, too. I appreciate them. I hope you get so much out of the program.
I’m guessing you didn’t buy through my link as I didn’t get a commission, but that’s cool. Of course, it could just be Mindvalley’s issue because I’ve been feeling screwed over by them lately as an affiliate and if you did click through my link, then my feelings are confirmed. But despite the affiliate program, the courses and the entire Mindvalley platform is still awesome.
I used Canva for free for a long time. I did end up purchasing the pro version at the beginning of this year. I wrote a Canva pro review about a month later. I use it almost every day for my writing and my own personal use, so it was a no-brainer for me. It’s such a good design site that I was able to cancel my Bigstock subscription, which is a site that offers pictures for download. Canva Pro has all the pictures that I need for my work and personal life.
Omg!. You should definitely get your commission!. Please reach out to them, I don’t think I would have gone for the course if it wasn’t for your honest review. My roommate purchased it yesterday, (we are both doing the course) and used her credit card, it was around 10:30 PDT. Let me know if you need an invoice number of customer id to claim your commission. I can ask my roommate for it. We will also be going for the MindValley all access but not until we finish this one first. We will let you know once we complete the purchase for the other all access pass, so you are aware of the transaction and then, if necessary, you’ll be able to claim what pertains to you. Thank you so much, Kari!
Thanks, Lily. I reached out to the affiliate manager, and if she gets back to me, I may take you up on that. And that’s awesome you are doing the course together. 🙂
Hi Kari! Thanks for your review of Lifebook online, I really wanted to do this program but I am not sure if it is for me right now. I have graduated from high school last year and am in my first year of university. So I am not sure if I should start later as it maybe a bit too early for me or would it be fine to start whenever. I also heard the mindvalley team are working on Lifebook online for teens and schools, that seems pretty cool.
I think Lifebook should be a high school course, along with a few other courses on Mindvalley!
Lifebook is about getting clear on what you want, and I wish I would have done it before I graduated high school. I went to university three times, for three different career paths, and ended up doing something completely different than anything I studied for. I was acting off what I thought I should do and what I thought other people wanted of me. It took me a while to stop trying to do things I didn’t really want to do. I wish I would have started what I’m doing now earlier, and Lifebook probably would have helped me get on this path much sooner. I wish I could go back and test out that theory!
In any case, I think that the earlier you do Lifebook, the earlier you start to think about what you really want out of life and what you are and are not willing to accept. While I think we still need to go through some struggles in order to really learn those things, Lifebook will help you ask bigger questions for the rest of your life and possibly change the trajectory of your life.
Hello, I am getting constant emails about – this is your last 24 hours to take this course for $500. This does not sound very credible and it is very pushy.
I have a question that I did not find answer for. How is it with the personal data. Especially when you want to refund you have to fill in your dreams, deepest thoughts etc. Do you also upload financial situation etc. How is this protected?
I do not have really problem with the refund as it looks it works, however sharing very sensitive information and for the Butchers and Mindvalley to possess very personal and sensitive information about millions of participants – there I see a problem and want to know how this is handled.
Can you please tell me?
Best regards
I don’t know why they send those stupid emails out. Lifebook online has been available year-round for a few years. There are some months where they do a live version (January and July), which simply means that you do live webinars with Jon and Missy, and there are start dates for each Lifebook group, but other than that it’s always been available. I guess it’s a marketing strategy as they do this with all of their courses, but I agree with you – it’s not right to do that and makes them sound less credible than they are.
No, you don’t have to share anything with Mindvalley, Jon and Missy, or your fellow Lifebookers. You do all of the work creating your Lifebook offline. They provide videos and templates inside the Lifebook course inside of your Mindvalley dashboard, and you just need to watch all of those videos and check off that you’ve finished them (they have a little spot for you to check off each class). There is no sharing of personal information, including your Lifebook.
They do say that may want to see a snippet of your Lifebook if they are questioning whether or not to give you a refund, but as long as you watch the videos, do the work, and check off that you’ve finished each day, you won’t have to worry about that.
Hi Kari,
As I told you before, we signed up to the course through your link a couple weeks ago and we are loving it!. Thank you for your review, we honestly would not have signed up otherwise. Once we are finished with this course, there is another course we are interested in but need your opinion on this, hope you are already aware of it, it’s called: Out of the box , and it’s provided by Ideapod. It claims to go deeper than the Lifebook course, and we would love your honest opinion. This is a four month program for $695.00 We are very intrigued by it. Would you give us your opinion, please. Thanks again!
Hey, I’m glad you are loving it. 🙂
Would you be able to reply to this message with the name of the person who signed up for Lifebook? (I won’t publish it.) I’m still trying to work out why I didn’t get a commission and my manager would like the name or the invoice number.
No, I haven’t tried that course. I’ll go check it out right now.
Hi Kari!. Thank you for checking out this other course I have to admit I am very intrigued by it. Will you get back to me directly via email or will you publish your response on this thread?… Just want to know how I will be able to know your opinion, I want to make sure I have your thoughts on this course!.
It sounds interesting, for sure. Kind of sounds like a mix between Lifebook and many courses on Mindvalley that help you deep-dive into yourself and challenge your limiting beliefs (or Brules as Vishen puts it). I can’t find any real reviews about it – just writers or reviews on their site talking about how great it is – so it’s hard to say. That’s weird to me because the course seemed to launch in late 2018 according to one Facebook post I found. You think there would be some people talking about or reviewing the course online somewhere. I also noticed that many other reviews on their site for other courses direct the reader to out of the box as a more comprehensive program than anything else they are talking about. 😬 It’s really hard to give an opinion without trying the course. But it comes with a 30-day refund, so it’s worth a try if it interests you. If it’s not resonating, just get your money back.
Hi Kari,
Love your opinion. You are so right it’s weird that there are no real reviews… We will have to think about if we really want to try this course. .. Although I must tell you, I am totally in, haha, I will see if Ester feels the same.
If you take it, come back and let me know how it was! 🙂
Hi Kari! Thank you for your honest review, and detailed answers to all the comments. I’m thinking about taking it, and see how great it has been for couples that do it together but my husband is not quite convinced yet. I was wondering if I do it now and don’t apply for the refund and keep my lifetime access, if he could do it later on if he feels like it. Thanks!
Absolutely. You will have for a lifetime, so you can go back and do it again and he can go ahead and give it a go whenever he wants.
Thank you so much!!!
Hello, I have a question, I am dutch and I prefer to write in dutch is that a problem if they want to check my progression to see if I can get a refund or do I HAVE to write in English or another specific language?
No, it’s not a problem at all. Mindvalley expects people from all over the world to sign up for their programs like Lifebook, and everyone has their own language. They know that. If they had to check, as long as they see the work that’s enough.
What would you recommend taking first Life Book Online or Quest for.personal mastery?
It depends on what you want to accomplish more.
If you want to figure out a vision and direction for your life, then Lifebook. It helps you deep-dive into your life and figure out what you want most out of it. So if you feel like life is boring and you are accomplishing nothing or going nowhere – or just don’t know what to do next, then Lifebook can help. If you want to build some goals, Lifebook can help.
If you want to tackle negative emotions and stress in your life, then Personal Mastery can help with that. It helps you look at life’s struggles in a different way, and it may help you clear out some limiting beliefs that could help you have an easier time in Lifebook figuring out what you want in each area of your life. I love listening to Srikumar Rao. He has a way of making every situation look so easy or doable. He can really help shift your state of mind to a more positive one and get through life’s ups and downs in an easier manner.
I saw someone say that Mindvalley runs specials on Lifebook. It was another Lifebook review and they had a message that you could get the cheapest version of Lifebook through their link. Is that a thing?
No, that’s bullshit. The price is always the same throughout the year. Always. $500 with a refund option.
The only thing that changes is the Lifebook groups starting at the beginning of January and July get live webinars with Jon and Missy for Lifebook. All the rest of the groups get access to all the prerecorded webinars that were recorded during those live webinars. It’s fun to do it live, but there are enough prerecorded webinars to keep you busy and answer your questions as you go through Lifebook if you want to start on a different date.
I completed Lifebook an year back. It was great, and I didn’t do the refund. I was impressed by the offer that I would get access to updated content for life, when I don’t take the refund. Now I’m trying to access I’m thrown a page asking me to joine a program of 250 USD per year. I’m I not going to the right link?
If you didn’t take the refund then Lifebook Mastery should be in your Mindvalley dashboard under ‘My Programs’.
It sounds like you might be getting an offer to join the new Lifebook membership. A lot has changed with Mindvalley over the past year, but you should still have access to the Lifebook Online and Lifebook Mastery program, at no extra charge, in your Mindvalley dashboard.
If you can’t access it, contact support. You shouldn’t be getting charged again.
I registered for lifelock and want to know the days and times in January it begins and how and what I do to listen. Please send me a phone number to to get more information. Thank you
Hey Joan,
If you registered after December 14th, 2020, then you should be starting on January 4th, 2021 for the live version of Lifebook. You should have received an email about how to access the course through Mindvalley. If not, contact Mindvalley support at
Hi Kari
Thank you for all that stuff. It is so useful.
Being French I have the opportunity to do the life book in French. However, speaking English I can attend the English version. What would be better?
The French version is 100$ cheaper, but I have to pay taxes and it works out to be the same price as the English version, so if I take the English version, I’ll end up paying 600$
But I imagine any investment to grow, get happier and more knowledgeable is a great investment :))
At Mindvalley they told me there is more stuff in the English version so I thought the French one would be less effective. Your thoughts on this? I am also worried to « lose » something with the translation the voice is different.
I took the M word training in English and just love it. I also took Marisa peer training but it was downloaded in French (don’t know why) and I have to say I prefer Marisa’s real voice.
I also wondered if I don’t get the refund at the end, would I keep access to the videos and stuff given throughout the training?
I also have a last question. What means affiliate? What does is imply?
Thanks for your help
Thanks for your help