Jon Butcher’s 30-Day Lifebook Quest On Mindvalley: Review

Last Updated on February 13, 2022 by Kari

Update: It looks like this version of the quest is no longer available on Mindvalley. BUT, Lifebook Online is now available as a permanent course on Mindvalley! They just replaced the original Lifebook quest with a more detailed version of the course called Lifebook Online. That’s a good thing for us because it’s bigger and better.ย  I know because I took both of the quests and Lifebook Online offered more insights, more direction, more interaction, and more tools to create a vision for your life that resonates with you on a level you may never have experienced before. And you can do it all for free, which is crazy. Check out the free masterclass for Lifebook Online. You can also read my Lifebook Online review here.

The Lifebook quest is different from the other Mindvalley courses I’ve taken. It’s about defining what you want in your life in 12 different areas. I’ve already been doing the Level 10 Life for a while, so this sounded like a great way to delve deeper into that practice of looking at each area of my life and coming up with visions that would carry me forward. I took the Lifebook quest masterclass and was super excited to take this 30-day challenge. I got my husband excited. And we did every single day of the quest. This Lifebook quest review includes an overview of the course as well as thoughts about who would benefit the most from it.

Take Charge Of Your Life With Lifebook


Lifebook Quest Is A 30-Day Challenge That Requires Some Time From You

For 30 days, you are going to be taking a look at 12 different areas of your life deeply, coming up with a life vision, and creating goals to move you towards that vision. You need to commit to doing this quest for all 30 days.

You also need to dedicate about 20 minutes each day to watch the video included where Jon Butcher talks about the topic of the day.

And, besides the 20 minutes, you will need to take time to write down your thoughts and do the exercises after each video. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on you and the topic discussed. The last few days – when you are defining your life vision and goals setting – definitely take the most time.

Lastly, there are 7 audio calls where Jon Butcher and his wife answer questions. That’s almost 7 hours worth of extra material that can be listened to at any time – even after the course if you want.

Breaking It Up Into Days Helps You Absorb The Information

I do like this aspect of it. I think that breaking it down into 30 little sections helps you stick with it and take some time to clearly look at each area of your life.

There are 12 areas of your life looked at, and you spend two days on each area with the second day taking a deeper dive into it.

For instance, Day 3 is about Your Ideal Health and Fitness, and Day 4 is about Your Health and Fitness Purpose.

The last 6 days of the quest (once you’ve looked at all 12 areas of your life) are focused on your life vision, goals, and taking action.

The Quest Starts On A Certain Day For Everyone To Work Together

When you do start the quest, you don’t get access to all 30 days of the quest at once. Because this is a challenge, you get access to one day at a time.

And, you can start on the same date as other people. That means you can interact with them and post your comments, daily exercise results, and questions on the day where other people are thinking about the same aspect of life as you.

And, once all the days are open, you get access to them for life. So, you can take the quest over and over again if you want.

What You Need To Do To Get The Most Out Of This Quest

To get the most out of the quest, you need to not only watch the videos each day, but you also need to do the exercises. You can watch Jon Butcher talk about each aspect of life, but he’s talking about himself and his thoughts and feelings. In order to access your own thoughts and feelings, you need to do the exercises.

That’s what Lifebook is really about. It’s about you. It’s about creating a life vision based on your unique life, beliefs, wants, needs, etc. That makes it a very personal self-development program, which I think is very beneficial for personal growth, happiness, and success.

If you don’t do the exercises, you will not delve into YOUR life and get the insights needed to move forward. Therefore, if you don’t think you want to do the work and take the action required in the exercises, don’t take the quest because it won’t do much for your life.

Also, Do The Assessment

In the beginning of the quest, you will be asked to do an assessment that covers all 12 areas of your life that you will cover in the Lifebook quest. This will give you a clear vision of where you are in life, what really needs the most work, and which areas of your life you want to focus on.

In this assessment, you go through each category talked about in The Lifebook Quest and answer questions on a scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.

It takes a good 20 minutes to get through, depending on how well you know yourself and how much you need to think about the question, but at the end, you get a report that helps you see where you are at in each of the 12 areas of your life as well as what you need to work on the most.

Make sure you take screenshots of the findings because they are not delivered to you. That could change in the future, but for now, I had to take screenshots and paste them into my online notebook where I took notes for the course.

Update August 28th, 2018: Looks like they’ve updated the assessment page. ๐Ÿ‘ŠYou are able to see the results of your assessment at any time in your Lifebook account and take the assessment again. I took the assessment again and you can now see ALL the assessments you have taken. You simply click on the ‘View Profile’ tab under your name and the assessments will be there starting with your most recent one. Plus, they send you an email after you’ve taken an assessment with a link that takes you straight to it. The Lifebook Quest still doesn’t offer a way to download your results, though.

After the 30 days is up, you will take this assessment again to see if you’ve progressed at all.

Lifebook Quest Is The Starting Point In The Lifebook Journey

The first thing you read on the enrollmentย page for Lifebook Quest is that in just 30 days you are going to have a complete vision for your entire future. But, that’s not exactly true.

Lifebook Quest is kind of like the 101 course in the Lifebook curriculum. It’s a course where you think about different areas of your life deeply by answering some questions that some people may never answer. And, when you are finished, if you want, you can move on to other Lifebook courses that apparently offer you a deeper look into your life.

When we started Lifebook Quest, there were some people on the Facebook page taking the next level, which is called MyLO – My Lifebook Online. It’s offered through Mindvalley at certain times during the year, but there was not a lot of clarity around when.

Update: I’m currently taking Lifebook Online. I’ll be done with the course soon and write a review on it. If you are interested in the Lifebook quest, then you will like Lifebook Online. It takes you deeper into Lifebook as you look at your beliefs around each area of your life, your visions for what you want, what drives you in the area you are looking at, and what strategies you can take to get what you want. It doesn’t come with an actual book, but it comes with templates for your Lifebook as well as pictures and quotes to help you fill in your Lifebook. I’m using Canva to create my Lifebook and it looks really good and inspiring!

Who Will Benefit From The Lifebook Quest?

Anyone who wants to understand themselves better and take a deeper look at their life.

It’s also good for someone who wants to create better habits in their life and even let go of some old, bad habits. In fact, in a few aspects of life, you are asked to pick a new habit to carry out for the remainder of the quest.

For example, on day 14 you choose one habit to instill in your love life, whether you are single or in a relationship. My husband and I picked a love habit that we weren’t doing, and we enjoyed it so much we are still doing it to this day.

This quest will also benefit people looking for meaning in their life. This is because you sit down and think about every aspect of your life and how you can improve. You take a look at what is working and what’s not working, and you create a plan, strategies, or habits to help you move towards something that is more exciting to you and has meaning to you.

In summary, anyone who wants to…

  • Find bad habits and break them.
  • Create better habits.
  • Reduce negative self-talk.
  • Get clearer on your beliefs on how they are serving you.
  • Create clearer goals to help you get what you want.
  • Improve your relationships.
  • Be a better example in this world.
  • Get clearer on career goals.
  • Do things that truly make you happy.
  • Define who you are and what you want.

… will also benefit from this course.

It’s all about YOU and understanding yourself better.

Feeling Indifferent About Life? Lifebook Can Help

Apathy – lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern

If you are not getting a lot of things done in life because you are lacking the motivation and enthusiasm to get up and do things, then Lifebook can really help you in that area.

If you are going to take action in life, you must feel something first – interest, motivation, excitement, or expectation. So, when you feel indifferent towards something, you aren’t going to get up and make things happen. You are going to do other things (usually useless things), such as lay on the couch and watch TV or scroll through the internet for way too long.

If you are feeling numb in life, then Lifebook can help you dig into your life and find those thoughts and visions that make you feel alive. It can help you identify what you enjoy, find lost passions that you enjoyed once, and give you the motivation to get up and do things each day to help you live the life you want.

Who (Probably) Won’t Benefit From The Lifebook Quest?

This quest is all about taking a deeper look at your life. I’ve done that quite a bit over the years, and quite deeply when I took on the Level 10 Life concept. So, I had thought about a lot of the stuff in this quest already. There were a few things that I hadn’t thought about and there were a few insights gained, but I’ve spent so much time reflecting on this stuff that I guess I had already done a Lifebook Quest before I took the quest! My husband felt the same way.

But, I’ve had years of reflection on my life through personal development courses and books, and through blogging about personal development almost daily. In fact, I’m a freelance writer, and one of my clients wanted one post per day on the topic of self-improvement for almost two years. So, through research, educating myself, and applying new thoughts, habits, and behaviors to my life, I’ve really gone deep into personal development.

If you have spent years on personal development and feel like you have taken a good look at all your life’s different aspects, then this quest probably isn’t for you. You may gain some insight into your life, but, it would probably be in your best interest to take the full Lifebook program and skip the quest – or simply move on doing what you are doing.

That said, everyone is different. There were some people on the Facebook page that seemed to have a lot of personal development in their history but still enjoyed this quest.

There is a 10-day money-back guarantee, so you can try it out for a few days, tackle a few different areas of your life, and get a better idea on whether or not Jon Butcher is going to help you delve deeper into your life than you already have.

Is The Lifebook Quest For You?

Here’s what I think: The Lifebook Quest is a challenge that will help you get on your way to living life to the fullest, because, you can only live a full life when you understand who you are and what you want out of life!

It will help you get a clearer definition of your goals and life vision. If you are dedicated to improving your life in all different aspects of your life, then this quest can help you do that.

If you are NOT willing to take action and do the exercises, then The Lifebook Quest isn’t for you. It won’t do you any good because it’s not just about listening to someone talk. It’s about taking action and putting in the work to look closely at your life, trying on new habits, and developing new insights into who you are and what you want.

Note: Just in case you missed it, this review is on the initial version of the Lifebook quest.

You can now take a more detailed version of Lifebook called Lifebook Online. Read my review of the new Lifebook program here.

Or, you can sign up for the free masterclass to learn more.

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